A 15-year Friendship Ended This Year And it's Hard to Forget

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hi Hivelearners friends.

Life is passing by very quickly and another year is reduced in our life and so there will come a time when we too will leave this world and a wise person is the one who recognizes this fact. Because all the people who came in this world before today have left in the same way, today we are also seeing that the world is becoming very strange and only money is being respected in this world.

And here we have many people this year we have seen the real faces of many people change in front of us. When we treat someone well, we think that when difficult times come upon us, that person will treat us well too, but in this world. I am not like that at all, so here I will tell my own story. I had a friend with whom we had been friends for more than 15 years and had a very good friendship.


Used to play together but this year that friendship ended what could be the reason that 15 years of friendship ends in a few months, so I will share everything with you right there. The story starts from here two young guys start their careers and we have spent a lot of time as the same, we were the same as our friends, we all had a lot of fun, so why did the friendship end?

That's over, so the first thing we're going to talk about here is the fact that there are many people in this world who you may not know at first that they're on good terms with you. Respect and rejoice in your happiness then if you succeed, those people will make you happy but they will never be happy in your happiness because these people are jealous and they always think that we should succeed and others.


People can never succeed in this world, because of such people, other people suffer a lot and when they succeed after working hard day and night, and what are such people because of them. Our success ends. In life all people have to work hard and achieve success by themselves and without hard work one can never achieve success so the story of both of us is similar we both were working hard in our life.


And then one friend becomes successful and he tries to make the other friend successful but he cannot succeed in that way and when one friend buys a house and buys a car, the other friend is not able to bear this. And he keeps talking that I will also buy a big car from here we get to know the reality of other people, so it is better to stop contact with such people because they can never be happy with your progress.

So this was one of the reasons why our relationship ended after so many years. It definitely reminds me of the past when we used to spend time together as friends, but when the truth is known, it is better to end those contacts.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and I am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is a writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.




Irrespective of the reason, it is never easy losing a friendship especially one of over 15 years.

 2 months ago  


 2 months ago  

It's had never been an easy feat, letting go of friends, especially the one you have moments with

 2 months ago  

You are right.