Life is impossible Without Digital Things Now

in Hive Learners17 days ago

Hi Hivelearners friends.

I hope all of you are well, I am also well, so here I am going to share some special things about today's interesting topic with you people, it is a fact that as time has progressed and as fast as it is going, it has become impossible to live without social media. It will be known that it has to be used for good use and not for bad use so that life is not spoiled,

Now children use social media and they have an assessment of each and every thing, so they also start seeing wrong things. 30 minutes a day in school if we talk about social media things, it will help the children a lot and here I see that the time is progressing fast and everything is becoming digital in a short time and it has happened so far. Teaching is being done and children are understanding each and every thing,

So this is possible only with the help of social media, if there were no social media apps, this thing would never have been possible. If the children have a holiday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm then it should be extended by half an hour and here they must be given a lecture on this matter and here we see that the parents give mobile phones to the children because nowadays.


Whatever their work they just send the teachers on WhatsApp so they complete their daily work then the time has become modern and the city and the country which has not adopted the modern things is left behind the way we are now. The country is now making efforts to legalize crypto and a few years ago there was an influencer here who kept saying that if we invest in bitcoin,

Our country's debt can be reduced and if our government had done this then our country would not have so much debt to China and we would also live a free life as free citizens but they did not listen to the words of an influencer here and time has passed and now when we noticed that there is a meeting tomorrow and the US is adding bitcoin to the reserve so now every country will see us doing it.

The way times have changed and people who have understood things in the beginning and have gathered more knowledge about them, the influencer has become a millionaire at that time and he wanted this thing that every poor person of our country should earn money but the government did not listen to him and here he has done a lot of good work.


And old books were being taught which had nothing about today's modern technology so he did it in the case court and after that, this book was changed and the present book is about 9th and 10th computer, a lot of things have been added in it, which is proving to be very beneficial for us in the next life, so earlier the content creator was not respected at all, but now we see that through YouTube and the way we are working on this platform,

There are many platforms where they can earn money. If the children are told the benefits of social media from the tenth grade, they will learn all the things in two years and then they will be able to bear their own expenses. And mothers, the way things are going on in every country today, and one person is the earner, he has to bear the expenses of all the others,

So this thing is also a reality and it seems to be happening in the same way that if the children bear their own expenses, when a family has to settle in five years, it will be settled in two years. will be set and then the benefit will be that children's marriages will also be quick and things will continue to prosper, so here about the importance of social media and its advantages and disadvantages,


When children are told from class 10, they will know each and every thing. There are platforms and my friends and some relatives are also earning similar money from here. Now we get everything about our studies from youtuber social media and google, if we don't understand anything in our book and our teacher is away from our house at that time, we can solve all our problems with the help of social media,

This is one of the biggest positive use of social media and all people should do the same and here we are also seeing that here people make videos and put them on YouTube and they are quite easy. They are explaining everything in the language, but now the way math questions are asked, we understand them from school,


But still we do not understand them at night, so we can watch each and every thing on YouTube according to the question and solve it sitting at home. We see that there are rural areas where they are not paying attention to school education and they do not know about social media, so in the future they will be left behind and they will not be able to use modern technology.

Like people who are not educated, they have bought mobile phones but they do not even know how to use WhatsApp. All these things will be taught in education, so the next generation must be taught by people so that every human being can learn to read and write calculations.

The life of an uneducated person becomes much more difficult, even if he starts a business, he does not account for it, and the manager keeps cheating money and this causes the loss of the company and one day the company ends.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.

 17 days ago  

Truly, times have changed and only those who embrace change will thrive in the modern world. The earlier schools embrace this the better for us all

 15 days ago  

Thanks alot.

 15 days ago  

Thanks alot for the support.

You're welcome. 😎

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