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RE: A Remarkable Observation of Salat al-Istisqa | نماز استسقاء کا حیرت انگیز مشاہدہ

in Hive Learners7 months ago

Not everyone can appreciate the sweet smell of soil after rain. This summer, due to the heat, I wrote some topics related to staying cool. These topics not only helped my readers but also improved my personal life. I increased my water consumption by using SUNDIP Lemonade, drinking 1.5 liters in one sitting while blogging or playing mobile games. Now, I’ve switched to natural lemonade. Additionally, I redesigned my home to keep the interior cool. For example, I opened two windows that had been closed daily for about 10 years, arranging things so no one can see inside while the windows are open. I did many things this summer to beat the heat. If I find my living conditions uncomfortable, I make efforts to improve them rather than doing nothing.