My sister will also read this blog from web2. Although she have a web3 account but she never use it even for commenting or content consumption only. So yup, she will definitely read your comment.
I think my grandma developed a fanbase, through my blogs talking about her. Maybe she deserves a seperate blog. I might give it a try. ;)
I literally have to make calculated budget of spending just from FOMO, you might remember my spending calculated budget in city.
Also, bot joke is forever lasting ♾️
Last time someone unfollowed me misunderstanding the bot joke 🤣
Haha I'd be honored to have your sister read my comment hehe
A separate blog for grandma will definitely have my follow 😅 she's an interesting one really.
Yeah, I saw that... You're good, keep it up hehe.
I'm still surprised about that joke outcome with the person lol