Family is very important to you. It shows in your choice of use of 10mins in the past.
Seeing as time travel is still impossible, we must make good use of time as it unfolds to us.
Time is a Sword... That one is new to me. Pray tell, what is the origin of that aphorism?
Time is a sword: this is an aphorism, meaning if you don't cut it, it will cut you. This term can also be interpreted as time must be used as well as possible, for example, use the best possible time before it is time to get sick, study in youth before old age comes.
Family is happiness.
Oh I see. But a sword is useless without someone to wield it. sincerely speaking I still don't understand the aphorism. But it's all good.
The point of it all is to use time well so as not to be negligent.