in Hive Learners7 months ago

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of the #Hivelearners Weekly Featured Contents. Week 126:- Edition 01:-. With the theme "From The Heart."


Does it really matter if you do good things from your heart? Or if it's simply a means to win favor.

Personally, I've come to the conclusion that people who help without expecting anything in return are gifted with such hearts from God. There are only a few people in life who seem to do well without any expectations at the end.

I personally speaking here, I'm not perfect because, as human beings that we are, it's normal to be selfish and self-centered. But then, how you get to control that and discipline yourself at the end is what really matters and counts.

Because, sincerely speaking, it can be hard sometimes as human beings to do good and take your mind off it without getting any benefits at the end of the whole thing. Especially in this critical time where everyone is just trying to survive by all means.

But then, I just feel at this point in time, it's just best you do good out of your good heart and willingness. Because if you're doing good to a particular person all in the name of expecting to win a favor from the person at the end of the day, you might end up regretting or going extra length to make sure you take it by force.

So if you ask me personally, I will advise everyone to do good because they're led too or because they've got the heart to do it without looking back. This generation doesn't seem to remember the good you do for them. They're only focused on the thing they need at that point, and once they're able to attain that one thing they've been longing to get, that's the end.

Is it okay to give to charity simply because you want it published online and to gain followers? Note that people will benefit from that act of charity even though you don't do it from your heart. Is the intention as important as the act itself?

To what end exactly?
The intentions are clearly stated out. What do you do at the end of the day when you're not being able to achieve that thing you really did all of the charity for? What?
You take back the good you've done?
Or what exactly?

I really can't support such motion. Do the good you do for charity out of your own good heart and not to gain more fame online for doing that. I promise you will even barely last long if you do charity for fame because the truth will surely come out some day and people will know what you really do charity for.

Because what I've come to realize about life is that you cannot pretend for too long to be who you're not. Your true color is definitely going to come out someday.

So do what you do for charity out of the good heart you've got and not for what you want to achieve through it. Help spread more love.

How would you react if you found out that someone was only helping you so that they could gain something else?

I honestly wouldn't feel too bad because I have a better understanding of knowing most people only render help to people that they benefit from. Which is something understandable because we are all humans and it's normal for us to want to be apart of something we will benefit from. But concisioning it will only help you as an individual person.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope you've learned lots of lessons from the community's weekly prompt. This post is in response to the #Hivelearners weekly contest.

N:B~All Images Used Here On My Blog Belong To Me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 7 months ago  

Yeah you've said it all, it's really hard as humans to do good to people and then taking our mind off it completely about what we can get there in return but then, we can still try to cultivate that habit.

 7 months ago  

It's always hard most times
But cultivating the act to is the best thing we could do

 7 months ago  

This is awesome!

I have read quite a few posts and everyone seemed to be in the lane of doing good without getting reward.
It's totally understandable that people do good and wants everyone to know that they did so...we as humans have the tendency of being selfish and praising ourselves.

Doing an act of charity and expecting something in return is just like doing an eye service act and not favorable in God's sight.

 7 months ago  

That's just human nature for you
You will rarely see someone who does good and just look away that way. Such individuals are blessed with such hearts from above.

Yes it isn't
We pray for a heart of doing good without any form of eye service attached.

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