mudamos de objetivos conforme envelhecemos.
Concordo plenamente com isso, a medida que amadurecemos vemos que certas coisas não valem mais a pena ou deixamos um sonho morrer, porque a energia para realizá-lo será demasiadamente grande.
mudamos de objetivos conforme envelhecemos.
Concordo plenamente com isso, a medida que amadurecemos vemos que certas coisas não valem mais a pena ou deixamos um sonho morrer, porque a energia para realizá-lo será demasiadamente grande.
Sim a energia que você gasta é melhor de dedicar a outra coisa mais agradavel e viavel!
!hbit !DUO
Success! @gwajnberg(4/1) You mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or comments. When you mine HBIT, you're also playing the Wusang: Isle of Blaq game. 🏴☠️ | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><
What's more, you found a BLAQ pearl (BLAQ) as a bonus treasure token!
There is a treasure chest of bitcoin sats hidden in Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Happy treasure hunting! 😃
You can see your random number generated in the Discord server, #hbit-wusang-log channel. Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at a block explorer explorer A, explorer B, or take a look at your wallet. Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.
You just got DUO from @gwajnberg.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.