@uyobong it's very hard for me to find enough ways to appreciate you for been father and a friend, a true Godsent into my life, didn't know how my journey would have turned out if I hadn't met you.. thank you so much for overlooking my flaws and always pushing..thanks so much DLM Santa
@josediccus I want you to know that you have been one of many who has really stired my spirit in keeping up my zeal in the system, your 100% writing styles and flows have really helped me in structuring my writings too, every day I look out for new ways to improve and become better at writing thanks to you ...a brother-in-pen and heart
Thanks for the shout-out man, I'm glad I could have influenced in the way I did. I think everyone at one point in time learn from others, I think I've also learned a lot a lot of people along the way. Keep growing, cheers!
@josediccus looks like people do love you alot. :)
Gifts are sent to @uyobong and @josediccus both.
Thank you for the gift. @uyobong and @sekani thanks for the gift, Santa delivered it
Thanks @dlmmqb .... appreciate the kind gesture
@eminentsam48 and @dlmmqb Thank you.