The society is a group of people living as a community and share the same interest, belief, attitudes, religion, values, laws, and culture.
Man is a living entity, who is born into the society and culture (family, religion, and language).
The society is for man, and man solely depends on the society. Society plays a crucial role in the life of man. It helps to shape the life of man, his belief and assigns role to man.
As a child who is born into a society,the identity is unknown to the child, as well his/her role, the society takes it up itself to assign certain gender roles to the child and shapes the life of that child into fitting into that gender.
First, as a boy child, you are made to know that you are the head, and the earning member of the house(as a man). On the other hand, the girl child is made to know that her role is doing the unseen domestic work and a caregiver to the young (as a woman).
The child becomes solely involved in the societal life, it's values and behavior, the roles and language as well as the orientations given to him/her.
The Society creates harmony and cooperation among men, and man cannot live without the society. He feels connected both biologically and psychologically. He lives out his life in the company and interaction of other being.The society needs great effort and sacrifice from its great individual.
But in present days, man only sees himself as that which exists without the society. Man sees himself as one who possesses wealth,fights battles, grows grain,produces tools for creating and destroying things, and not the society.
But in all, man is still tied to it's root which is the the society.
He is born into it, he grows in it and he lives in it.
The society is for man, and man lives for the society.
Thank you for reading