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RE: The positive impact of HL community featured post

in Hive Learners2 years ago

It's really seems like yesterday, time flies very fast. The beginning of every journey is always where the problem lies, but as soon as we are able to pass that stage the sweet part will come in.

Hive Learners community has indeed been a great teacher to most of us, we don't know how life would have been if we have not found it. We owe the community a million thanks.

All your friends are good persons I have been through their posts and they have inspired me in one way or the other too

 2 years ago  

You are also my friend because you are part of HL community
No doubt about how positive HL community featured post have helped most of us

 2 years ago  

See , how I am blushing 😁😁... It's not a right but a privilege.. thank you... Nagode 🙏🙏

 2 years ago  

Hahaha 🤣 which one is nagode

 2 years ago  

It's thank you, In hausa