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RE: Staying for Love, Suffering for Life: Escaping the Trap

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

It's usually very easy to step out when it's still in the relationship stage than when it's marriage. It's very foolish for anyone to remain in a relationship that is killing them. I don't care what their definition of love is but I know that love doesn't seem to offend or harm.

I have a neighbor who was experiencing hell in her marriage, she kept enduring and when she couldn't any more, she reported to her pastor. When he heard the whole thing and verified for himself he told the woman that if she doesn't want to die and leave her kids to suffer, she should leave that marriage. Don't stay in something that will kill because you think the man or woman will change and that you have kids, no! Walk away and take your kids with you if possible. Hope is only for the living and not the dead

 2 months ago  

You see, love doesn't harm and when it is getting to that level of causing harm, then it's no longer love but hatred. Exactly, it is a good person that will suggest that advice while some would say you should stay and endure...endure what exactly? Something that will kill?