Save The Future OF Nigeria

in Hive Learners3 years ago


warm greetings beloved people of Hive, welcome to my entry on the second edition of week 25.


The level of decadence in the world today is a serious issue that remained unexplained. I don't know if this is how it has been before or it is entirely a thing that is unique with our generation. it is believed that whatever is happening now, has happened before but with the way our society is getting rotten everyday I don't think it has happened before because if it had, then we world would have for long ended.


There are many challenges with our various nations right from the top to the bottom. These challenges are sponsored by the citizens themselves, it is executed by men and women at the top and also those at the lower levels. Every man is just so concerned about his self and his family and can do anything to keep his aim alive. Therefore issues like kidnapping, thefts, murder, scamming, embezzlement, occultism, ritualism, bribery and so on is on the speedy increase. corruption is on increase daily, we seem to make effort to fight these things yet it seem to be like adding more fuel to a burning fire.


In my country Nigeria, corruption seem to be like a normal thing that is welcomed by almost everyone. it is no longer hidden but it is practiced in the broad day light. you can see all manners of decadence on the street as you move about and even those that the citizens should rely on are not mindful of this things because they are part of it.
one funny thing with this thing is that those who are genuinely ready to fight against evil are silenced and thrown out of places where they can have power enough to do good. I have seen men that committed murder go unpunished I have seen fraudsters moving about and boasting in the society and yet no one is doing anything about it. The poor are the ones suffering the sting of this decay most. once you do not have money you are a slave accept it or not the rich are the leaders while the poor are servants , even when the rich commits punishable offences they are set free but the minor or the poor are been convicted on issues that are not even worth it, what a world! The prices of goods are rising everyday and there is great economic breakdown.


How did this change come? or is it that it has been like that for long and no one paid attention to it? it is a thing of great concern to me. in Nigeria today Education is not valued anymore, the Federal Government are more concerned about politics and today than the future that lies ahead of us. Those at Federal level are too selfish and care only about themselves and not the masses. For almost six months now, all government universities in Nigeria are on strike yet the Government is silent and paying little attention to it. If Education is truly the key to success are we not in trouble? The Federal Government has now shut doors for us to get that key how do we succeed then? what kind of future are we going to have without Education? No wonder young men and women are now ritualist, so pathetic. If the government would deny us key to success, do you think it is food that they would be able to put on our tables?


The issue of crimes is on the increase daily, security is now a thing everyone does by himself. no where is safe anymore, no one is safe anymore. everybody is a target. men killing fellow men to make money. Everybody is just so tired of poverty and wants to make it by all means.


Will things Change?
From the look of things, it seem as though we are doomed already, and that the future is in great trouble, because of a truth it is what one sows that he reaps. No doubt the future would be in danger if things continue to happen this way. in fact if care is not taken the future might be worst than this. if the foundation of a house is faulty one day the building will surely collapse. with the way the Nation is right now, if nothing is done to change what is currently happening I think, Nigeria would have more uneducated men and women, more ritualist, more thieves , more kidnappers, more embezzlement, more killings more insecurity, and the corruption we are complaining about Currently in our generation would be like holiness in the future. more wicked and dirty things would be done. I can't imagine how shattered Nigeria would be, thought of this reminded me of a movie I watched last night titled : the free guy. there was a town called free town in the movie, as the name implies the town is free indeed, anyone can do anything he wants, kill, steal, whatever and there are some special personalities called the sunglass people, they are like our leaders today they do anything they want and no one cautious them. If nothing is done about Nigeria fast I fear greatly that Nigeria would soon be a free town in the nearest future. May God help us.


I believe greatly that no matter how long night takes, the day will surely break, it is obvious that the Nation has decayed but I believe things would not remain like this forever. I know it might take long but things would surely get better one day and all this menace would be forgotten nevertheless we have to work it out for our future generations. We must stand together and fight out these evil from our nation, Nigeria is blessed and I believe that we are men and women of greatness . For us to see that greatness come to reality then we must do something about it, let us work together and promote good instead of evil. This threats are call for war and we must arise like men arrayed in battle and fight it. No nation that is good today just woke up over night and met their nation good. Men and women fought and made it good with the help of God. Let us not be carelessness over these issues otherwise in the future I am afraid our country might be a beger and slave wallowing In great poverty. let us save the future. life is not just about us, others are coming ahead. let us make the path clear for them.


Thanks for enduring to read until the end, I really appreciate. 🥰🥰

 3 years ago  

The level of decadence is so alarming this has eaten deeply into our system, we just the truth for divine intervention as no on can help us through this.

I wish you the best in this contest

 3 years ago  

Amen thanks a lot for reading through ♥️♥️🥰

 3 years ago  

Hmmm you are right, Nigeria needs divine help. Because no one can right all these wrongs. Nice write up!

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading through. I am so grateful ♥️🥰🥰🥰

 3 years ago  

You are very correctly friend. your points can not be denied.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading through my friend am grateful ♥️🥰

 3 years ago  

Very good thing for your country as you said.

 3 years ago  

Thanks a lot my friend. I really appreciate your visit♥️♥️

 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  


The kind of misfortune that has hit this country is totally unprecedented and we don't deserve it at all. We are just saddled with wicked leaders. Thankfully, the time is coming when we can make the change we seek.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

I am telling sir, I just pray we will make a very good use of the golden opportunity ahead of us. Thanks so much for reading sir, your boy is loyal

 3 years ago  

Definitely things will not be like this forever there’s still hope I believe

 3 years ago  

Amen o, thanks for reading through ♥️

 3 years ago  

Curbing out corruption in Nigeria is really going to be tough as the people who are benefitting from this corruption are well guarded and respected. Also, people who speak up against them are either being shut up with offered stolen public funds

 3 years ago  

It is such a pity. But God will help us