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RE: The aim and objectives of music matters

in Hive Learners3 months ago

I believe it has to do with era, in those days the message a music passes matters to people but now not so much. I have seen artist who were on the right path with their music but suddenly changed their path because they weren't getting the attention they deserve with their good songs, we all know how it feels to make something of quality and yet people refuse to appreciate it. I have always judged them but eventually I realised everyone is just trying to put food on their table in which ever way they can. Times have changed we are now in an era where abnormalities have been normalised.

 3 months ago  

Times have changed we are now in an era where abnormalities have been normalised.

This is so true. The priority isn't about the appropriateness of the the lyrics anymore but about the acceptability to the demography that have normalized abnormalities.

 3 months ago  

Exactly 💯