Double phase of purchase

in Hive Learners2 months ago

You know there is this joy that feels ones heart when returning back from the market after purchasing stuffs and the trader did you so well or the goods were not as pricing as one thought. Ever since I started going to the market to get things myself, indeed I have had lots of wonderful experiences that made me wish I bought more stuffs but money was a barrier 😄 and there were some horrible experiences with some traders that I regretted even going to the market that day.

So there was this day I wanted to go buy some tops cause I was traveling and needed at least two to three tops to add to the ones I have. I already incurred lots of due to the journey so I was on a strict budget going to the market that day like if I could say no I won't have even gone but I pushed and encouraged myself to just go even though it's just a top I could afford. When I reached, I was busy scouting for where to get quality but cheap wears so I just continue with my search that was how I saw the man with a strong face and because of that I said to myself how will I start pricing with this man that looks like an angry lion so I decided to just pass by his shop to the next.

At last I still ended up in this mans shop because he has nice wears and when the man sighted me again he said in pidgin "sister if God say you go buy for my hand make I for see food chop and feed my family you go buy, enter I get your size". This made me laugh and honestly he made me comfortable. Hmm!! Have you ever be in a situation where there are so many beautiful things to pick from and end up not knowing what to pick? That was exactly me. And you know I left home with a strict budget again. 😂 Guys I selected wears but there was this particular one that was expensive and supersede my budget so I had to drop it back. I thought he was joking but he wasn't, when he said pick the dress and pay me this amount. I told him I wasn't even having the money here with me but this trader said when next am
Coming I should bring the money......I did accept the wears but as soon as I reached home I transferred back his money cause of how much I hate credit. The fact he cut down 50% of the worth of the dress and permitted me to go home wit. It was fascinating.

This experience was priceless to me and I was like so this kind of people still exist... It also gave me hope that the world still have good people too.

And my worst experience was with my first power bank before buying the current one am using. I don't want to remember because that day my instincts told me not to go to the market but I proved stubborn and went my dearest beloved this man was rude that I felt insulted even with my money to cut long story I bought it super expensive only for me to go home and after three days power bank USB port was shaking like something have used and abandoned. I went back to the shop but he refused to refund. I do not want to remember that period but it's are happy about a purchase, the other one gives you heartache. But I still learned that being rude cost much than being kind also no matter what I should never sell my integrity cause he definitely lost a customer in me.

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Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

 2 months ago  

Eh? He allowed you to make the transfer when you get home and even trusted you to go with the products? That's some good vendor right there.