Social Media and the work space

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Social media over the years and now, has greatly affected humanity both in a positive and negative way. A lot of us has benefited from social media in no small way, impacting lives and adding value to the ecosystem aside that, majority of us has built a life that now evolves around these platforms.

Personally, I will say I live my life on social media cause this is what keeps me active and my daily routine isn't complete without me coming online. Like have built relationship online, most of the people I knew today were via social media likewise my business contacts majority were gotten online. My trusted vendors, I met them online and they have build a reputable brand for their selves.

Although I do lots of stuff on social media, I still see submitting social media handle to an employer as a no big deal as it brings about transparency. A lot of people will say what you do on the internet doesn't define who we are physically although true but not true at the same time. Submitting handles without fear actually gives our employers a conviction that we can be trusted because have seen people who blocked their bosses online due to the kind of contents they publish there which doesn't speak well of the person and also whether we want to accept or not, we either give our company a good name or bad name. For instance a person working as a sales representative in a well reputable organization and on social media encourages nudes and all that will make people think he or she does same in the company or probably secure his or her way to that position but doing something unlawful.
People begins to see that brand as something else which is why I believe they want to know the handles of their staff not because they want to meddle in their affairs but for the good name of the company.

Last year, I came across a post on social media Facebook to be precise where a man asked a question and another guy responded harshly and even insulted him too but he held his peace. So this guy that insulted another was actually preparing for an interview in a week time and unfortunately for him his interviewer was same man he insulted. I say this guy is unfortunate because if not for anything whether his qualified or not for the fact he has bad attitude he doesn't deserve the job his applying as there's no prove that he won't even exchange blows with his boss or colleagues since he has a running tap (mouth).

Lastly for the fact that a lot of people has abused social media, I don't have an issue when employers request for social media handle of their employees as they are only trying to protect the interest of the organization.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-149e1 Your social media life. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

 2 months ago  

Good social media management by the employee is key and also, privacy must be respected.

Thanks for sharing your view with us.

 2 months ago  

Sure, you welcome 🙂

You put out a good point here. Companies are not discouraged to look after their own interests. But I really would want them not to be invasive. As long as the topic isn't directly the company, it really shouldn't be an issue.

 2 months ago  

Absolutely, interference should not be encourage with employees handles, thanks for stopping by. 🙂

 2 months ago  

Thanks a lot.