First Payday alert

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

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It wasn't an anticipated moment for me, It was a

” I never expected it” moment.

Everyone was complaining about how they reduced it so much because of the deducted taxes and other fees, I joined in the murmuring but deep down I was just happy to have even received anything at all.


In 2016, we were made to take a compulsory internship, called SIWES(Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme), I was determined to work in an oil firm and it was that oil company or nothing, at the time I didn't even care if they paid their interns I just needed the experience on my cv.

One month is gone and I got no response from the company at all, my friends have gone to start-up companies that deal with some part of geology like borehole drilling, mapping, and even gas stations because it felt like the major companies were hiring based on connections and I didn't have that either.

The second month, I was still home, at this point, I was so sad and confused because even the small startup companies around me were no more accepting applications.

My options were either a reply from the oil company I applied to or I paid someone to be an apprentice at a borehole drilling shop. I didn't bother my parent about it because in my head there was nothing they could do about it.

My mother was always asking how far, I always gave vague responses to not make her worry but that Sunday I knew I needed a miracle. I told her about the oil company and connection and she shouted that I should have said so since. She had treated a patient last week who is a staff there and they have been in contact.

Immediately she gave her a call and explained the situation, the lady told me to see her the next morning with a copy of my application and in 24hrs after the meeting i got an email to resume work immediately.

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I was so excited to be working with a big firm like that but I was told I may not get a salary for the first 2 months because I came late and it takes a while to process these things, i didn't mind, but filled the form with my account details and forgot about it. besides, the lady made it her duty to tip me from time To time when our paths crossed at work.

It was paid day for everyone on May 25th I could see everyone asking themselves how far if they got anything, I didn't bother because I knew I wasn't getting anything I have worked there for over a month and since I didn't get last month I knew I wasn't getting this month either so till next month which will be my last month till I leave for school.

I hear people talking about how they received 22,900 naira which was the total salary after the plenty deduction for health insurance they never use and other things too they don't use, they complained so much that in my head I just wished was then receiving money even if it was 10,000 self I would be grateful.

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Then I hear my phone buzz and I saw an alert of 35,800...and it was from the company it felt like a Mistake because if it was my salary it should have been 22,900 like everyone else.

I showed my boss and he said someone approved me to receive my salary for all the days I have worked.

I was so excited, I didn't even tell others because some people were waiting for their salary and heard some never get paid themselves till the end of the program...

I felt bad and great at the same time. I got home and told my mother and she suggested I get a gift for the I bought a big gift hamper for her from the money even though I know she gets a lot every other day but I just needed her to know I was so grateful for all the behind work she has been doing for me.

I withdrew some cash and placed it in an envelope for my dad and mum even though they found a way to give me back when I returned to school but I was happy I was able to give a path of my first payment to my parent...

For the rest I went shopping for myself, finally, I was able to get things with the money I earned. It felt great, I didn't even know what saving was that first month, I just wanted to ball and I did.


That period of my life taught me Not giving up on my dreams and hope, I almost was going to pay a company so I could learn from them and fill up my report sheet but I am glad I did not.

I also learned how to share my difficulty and problem and not assume that no one has the power to help. you never know who would know someone that would know someone that could help one way or another.

I can still remember how my heart was pounding so hard when I saw the alert, an alert that even “man” had never given me before.

It was a great start to my many payday alerts 😏

 3 years ago (edited) 

I can understand why you couldn't share the news of your salary with others and why you felt great and bad at the same time, it's understandable lol.

You were lucky.

you never know who would know someone that would know someone that could help one way or another.

I completely agree with you.

 3 years ago  

Wow this sounds very interesting lol... I felt the story never ends. Well I learnt some things too, A problem shared is a problem halved, just as you've said that you never can tell who knows someone that knows the person who wants to help you so, I think it's not a bad idea to share your problem and then it's good to have faith...

Thanks for this beautiful piece

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading till the end

 3 years ago  

What a surprise! 😄 Surprise money is so sweet. I remember my SIWES days too. I got paid 10k monthly and I was happy about it even though management was cheating us by halving what we were supposed to receive. It felt exciting being paid for work.

 3 years ago  

Very exciting... Now eh it's like a sport especially with Bills and responsibility.

 3 years ago  

Awwwn... Your excitement must have knew no bound, unexpected money is the sweetest.

It's also good that you thought to show appreciation to your "helper".

This is a great one, well done.

 3 years ago  


This is why we are never to give up on our dreams and aspirations because we just cannot know what is at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you for sharing this with us.