Right now I appreciate the countries that accept us for work, even if we know its cheap labour and we are mostly being used but the pay, security and the idea of a better life is our compensation.
The other day my partner was telling me about how people travel from other countries just to work in nigeria, unfortunately gone are those days... i really don’t understand why we keep moving backward over time instead of forward.
I like that we alway have options of remote and freelance jobs which has helped curb unemployment abit for most of our youth.
I really hope things get better with time.
First I apologize for the late reply.
Yeah that’s true. I was also told that other countries used to travel to Nigeria for studies very well most especially at University of Ibadan.
But now, everyone here wants to leave the country because it’s hell here.
Yeah from the way it is freelance and tech jobs are what that pays most.