It is no news again that the world is evolving and things are changing fast with new concepts, ideas springing forth every now and then. The advent of civilization and this era of technological advancement also plays a huge role in this fast changes. For example, we are now in the times of digital assets and digital finance with the use of e-money, electronic transfer, automated tellers etc. In addition, the advent of cryptocurrency brought a switch from the conventional banking we are used to with governmental involvement and regulation to that opposite of that with individuals in control and hence, faced resistance from the government of some nations of the world.
Of a truth, the banking and finance model of conventional banks with governmental involvement has its own positives and negatives as there is no perfect system so to say. This also applies to cryptocurrency aswell as there are also positives and negatives with it aswell. I believe the co-existence of both i.e. banks/fiat and cryptocurrency is good leaving people with options to select from as suitable which all makes life beautiful as variety is the beautiful of life. We need to understand and appreciate the fact that what is suitable for one person maybe a misfit for another and also, choices and decisions of each individual should be acknowledged and restricted.
I believe that cryptocurrency has come to stay even as adopted in some nations of the world and that every new changes do face rejection, however, i feel that both conventional banks/fiat model and cryptocurrency can co-exist rather than one been alone and only option. Not everyone will adopt cryptocurrency based on believe, ideologies or choice while some will prefer it above the conventional banks and fiat. Therefore, everyone has a choice and preference. By adopting cryptocurrency alone, there might be job loss due to bank closure because of withdrawal of many customers and also, there are scammers/unretraced financial assets loss through cryptocurrency if not careful but are kind of reduced with banks.
The banks also through high interests and "questionable" withdrawals has become burdensome to some people in addition to unfavorable governmental policies as regards finances especially in developing countries with its negative impact which is not so with cryptocurrency e.g. Nigeria naira redesign saga before the last general 2023 election. For as many who by nature of work, exposure and technical know-how prefers cryptocurrency, it is fine while those who prefer fiat/bank is also fine. Once the two co-exist, it will be better than sticking or restricting to only one in particular. Finally, i support varied and combined system of the co-existence of banks/fiat and cryptocurrency with each individual selecting the best option rather than just having only one option which i believe maynot be good enough for obvious reasons. Varieties and choices makes life beautiful and determines our outcomes rather than been monopolistic, the same way varieties of food is needed for well-being. Thanks so much for reading even as comments and contributions are welcomed.
This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 156 episode 03 on "Crypto Alone" Thumbnail designed using Canva.
Just like you, I also support both can coexist and I agree with you that the cyber theft is more with cryptocurrencies honestly because since you're the sole controller of your wealth, the security is also your responsibility which many of us can't go at length to par with these fraudsters
Exactly 💯
Spot on👌
Thanks for these awesome comments and valuable contributions, I really appreciates it alot.
Indeed, both can coexist.
You're welcome
Indeed, having both of them together would help us combine their various advantages and sieve out the disadvantages cos they all have their good and bad