This has been a long time debate with different views and ideologies. The story is different from nations to nations even as the citizens of different countries enjoys the basic social amenities while this is left wanting in other climes. Good education, stable power supply, good healthcare service, viable agriculture etc are some of the major responsibilities of government of nations which some rose up to while others are found wanting especially in the developing countries which may be due to corruption, selfishness, insensitivity to citizens plights etc.
In my country of residence, government owned facilities are in a state of decdence and the quality of service been rendered are dwindling because of high level of corruption, wrong/unfavourable governmental policies, lack of manpower etc. Back in the "good old days" as narrated by parents and elders, government facilities are the best and sort after even as there are few private institutions then. The services rendered by these institutions are of good quality and things were running fine then. For example in educational sector, higher institutions of learning like Prestigious OAU, Ile-Ife, University of Ibadan etc were highly sort after then. In health sector, University College Hospital (UCH), LAUTECH Teaching Hospital etc were able to meet the needs of people then.
Now, the narrative has changed, we now have the private institutions been the sort after with the public facilities at a "sorry" state. Some run the private establishments solely for profit making and extortion but disguised as quality oriented. With all these been said and based on the percularity of my country (Nigeria), i will still say that some public institutions are still running fine and will be preferable to alot of substandard private institutions which came into been because of greed and loopholes in the system. For example, as someone into healthcare, i have sen and heared cases of havoc wrecked by so called private health institutions after causing people to pay heavily with some lossing their lives.
Of a truth, the government needs to do more as regards the public institutions in areas such as education, health, power, agriculture etc, but i still opt for the few government owned institutions which are still running fine aswell as few private institutions with impeccable standards over the private institutions with alot of havoc and compromises. For example, i believe in tertiary health facilities for healthcare rather than the private healthcare institutions which are expensive and at the long run refer the patient back to the government owned institutions when it is beuond their power to meet the health need. I encourage the government to be up and doing in maintaining the public institutions which is the hope of a "common man" and also, i encourage very few credible private institutions which haven't compromise to keep up even as those who are able to afford their service opt in for them.
Thanks so much for reading even as comments and contributions are welcomed.
This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 154 edition 01 on "Government owned Vs Private Owned" Thumbnail designed using Canva.
I like the balance you established in the third paragraph. Some public facilities are better than the so-called private ones. The private that supposed to augment the government for better system have turned out to an extortion centre. Is only God that would deliver us.
True 💯👌
Thanks for your comments
I admit that private services are good but they are too expensive that's why people prefer going to the government services. Private services are running after profit and what will benefit them while government services are running after to make everything easier for everyone.
I agree with you aswell though the failure of government or it loopholes are the strength of the private sectors which now becomes unaffordable for the "common man."
Thanks for your awesome comments