Hello, friends
How are you all .Today was the first fast .How did all of you go to fast .I am very fond of keeping fast .Those who are lucky, Allah gives a pick to keep the fast of Ramadan .
Today was the first fast of Ramadan .So then we made a lot in the date .And the samosa that is made today is my own .
I needed some things to make samosa .
First of all i took flour .And I put a little inside the flour .
And then I put yogurt in it and who gave it to the coming .And put it in the freezer .
After that I spoke to the chicken and grinded it small .
And I had spoken to the potato .And its peels used to descend .
After that I made onion in oil .
Then I cut carrots and capsicum .And I also put carrots and capsicum inside the onion, who can be made well .
After that I put all the spices inside it .Seeing the salt turmeric chili ground, put everything in garlic paste and called it well .
When Vietnam is cooked well .Then I put chicken inside it .
And I made the chicken free well .
Then I match Potato well and they put it within the year .
Then I made a bread of maida goon .And the spice made in it added to it and made samosa .
Samosa's look came very beautiful .And when we ate this, they were made of very fun .
Final look
hope you all will also like it .This vegetable chicken samosa becomes very funny .And if you make it in Ramadan and eat it, it will be a lot of fun .
Samosas are permanent in the month of Ramadan. Crispy and tasty!
Thank you
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