"An idle mind is the devil's workshop." I have always heard that word when I was growing up, so I make sure not to keep my mind or myself idle. When there is boredom and the reason is not busy, the deadliest thought can crawl in if one is not careful. I am not saying I am always active every time because there are moments when my mind craves stimulation and the lack of activity weighs heavy on my spirit, especially when I am home alone. In those times, I turn to my trusted companions for help—games, music, and movies.
Hey, before I tell you more about what I do to kill boredom, you should know a little about me, right? Ok. My name is Fashtioluwa, the one from Mars. I know many people will not believe it, but it is nice to meet you. Now, let's continue from where we stopped.
When boredom threatens to strangle me, I run to the one place I am free to run around, carry whatever weapon I find, and shoot down some enemies who are trying to shoot me down too. It's no other place than my favorite game, "Call of Duty." I have never gotten bored playing "Call of Duty." The game is so interesting that I get to talk to other people all over the country while planning strategies on how to win the game. The adrenaline rush that comes with each virtual battle is enough to drive away all kinds of boredom, a temporary escape from the close clock that ticks every time.
Another way I escape boredom is by cooking. Yes, I love to cook, but only when the ingredients are complete and are already in the kitchen. Do you know what I would do before I start cooking? I would turn on my JBL speaker and then play some opera music. On days like this, the music always makes the fire burn so fast because of the energy surrounding the house. The aroma and beautiful sound are enough to drive away any kind of evil spirit that might be lurking around the house. Another thing is that I sing along, trying to copy the singer who is leading the song. One of my favorite operas is that of a lady who is dressed in black and sounds like a fast bird singing. 'Oohh, Krkrkrkrkrkr, ohhhh." I wonder if anyone would get it.
And what about the day I don't have food to cook or I am not in the mood for music? I have got anime or superhero movies like "Avengers" to keep me busy. Sometimes, I feel like I have abused the movie "Avengers: End Game" because I can't count the number of times I have watched that movie, and it is always interesting anytime I watch it. "I am sorry, Ironman."
In these simple terms—gaming, music, and movies—are the places I find sanctuary from the clutches of boredom. Actually, doing things like this makes me very creative with my job and it's not like I get bored often. Thanks for reading.
All Images used are Mine.
I also like to play games to distract myself, my favorite games are Fortnite and Valorant. I believe that games, music and films are the escape valve for many people. (:
I haven’t tried Fortnite before but I heard it’s good too
With all you've listed, boredom sure has no place to stay in Fash's territory. When will I be invited for dinner and lunch like this, that cooking skills shouldn't be for you to enjoy alone.
Well, if you stay in Lagos, I can always invite you over for lunch
These three buddies of yours are all good for removing boredom from the mind. I have my criminal case game to keep focused and then movies as well, they help a lot
That game
I so much love it but I stopped a long time ago
I wonder if I download it and sync it back with my Facebook
Maybe my record would pop up
You never know until you try
Have you seen the new update