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RE: The Double-Edged Dice: Is Gambling A Boon Or A Bane?

in Hive Learners2 days ago

Hmmm, this is deep.
I haven't gambled before, but I have spent the money that came from gambling, and it also helped a friend sort his rent bills, but the same friend always tells me not to gamble.

Even if gambling can't be stopped, there should be strict regulation to watch the actions of people who gamble. Some times, the urge to win can lead one into becoming an addict, and this is where things start going wrong.

One thing I know about my friend is that he has disciplined himself not to be too focused on the wins and losses that come from gambling. Can I be as disciplined as him? I don't know which is why I don't bother.

Most of the gamble I do now is buying and banking that the crypto coin bought might do X5 so I can sell in two days . heheh

 28 minutes ago  

Yooo! Big brother Fash! You have never gambled before, but you have spent the money from gambling?😂 That is indirect gambling.

Most of the gamble I do now is buying and banking that the crypto coin bought might do X5 so I can sell in two days . heheh

You are big man. Big men gamble on another level.😂