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RE: Water Is Life... Huh?

in Hive Learners9 months ago

I pray things get better soon in NIGERIA It's Sad to see things get worse. in the 90s we had WATER COOPERATION COMPANIES CALLED (water board) Two things you need to do in other to get water from them. you register and they connect a pipeline to your house and the second free one, is to go directly to the company and fetch water. The water is highly treated for consumption by the general public. this was one of the best ways we get drinking water. you could either drink directly or boil. it's so bad now that they no longer function in our area and we resort to buying bottled water and pure water produced by small private water companies that are not government-approved. We should look for a good water-producing company and get our drinking water from them or one of their distributors just to stay healthy and alive. Without water, we can not function well. this is my little contribution. thanks for sharing.


Well... times have changed and things have gotten even more expensive. It's too bad joor.