2025 Hive Growth Goals

in Hive Learners3 months ago


Happy New Year guys, we made it, 2024 was awesome, 2025 will be better, and welcome to the new year.

A new year for most people comes with them having to make resolutions and also plans for the year. Most people make some unrealistic plans that they know they won't be able to achieve, but they do it anyway, just to show that they have plans for the year.

One thing I learned last year during the #NewbiesInitiative was that we have to set SMART goals, goals, and plans that are specific, not generalized, that are measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. This was one thing I took with me from the initiative program.

Last year I had set goals for my growth here on the blockchain, but some of them I didn't really follow through with mostly because I had interference from my offline job and I couldn't really find a balance between the both worlds, I know that isn't an excuse, so I intend to do better this year.

Last year in the initial part, I did poorly with my engagement, but I began getting better at it later, engagement is one thing I intend to channel my energy into this year.
Engagement is what helps you meet new people here on Hive and also somewhat build your influence. I plan on using at most an hour or two for engagement consistently every day, I might not do it at a stretch, but can break it up throughout the day.



Another thing I plan on doing is powering up every month, although I missed it yesterday amidst all the festivities, but I'll make up for it. No matter how small, I will try to power up each month. Presently, I have 576 hive power, I intend to double this number by the end of the year. Basically, I intend to reach a hive power of 1500 by the end of the year, there's room for improvement, but this is the target I'm setting for myself.


I plan on blogging consistently this year, last year I did more prompts, but I will be broadening my horizon this year, I will still write on prompts, but I will also try to blog about different areas of my life, my milestones, my environment, and others things.

I'll be trying out the other communities, I'll also try as much as possible to explore the Hive blockchain. So yes I would do a minimum of 3 posts a week and a maximum of 5. I know there are weeks I could do more, but I won't let a week go by without writing. I know I might be weary at some point, but I'll try my best to pick myself up and start again.

Curation is something I'm going to work on also, as it will also help me build my Hive power, so while engaging, I would also make sure to curate.

I know these goals or plans I have put out here won't come to manifestation by themselves, I would have to actually put in the work to make it a reality. I'll also be getting an accountability partner who will help keep me in check so that I have someone I'm answerable to who can pull me up when I'm feeling overwhelmed or when I don't feel like I should keep going.

So yeah these are some of my plans for Hive this year. Like I said earlier, there's room for improvement, if I hit these milestones, I can also expand them, so help me God.

Thank you for reading, until next time❤

All images are mine except otherwise stated


I'm rooting for you to be able to achieve your set goals because many times it's easier set but getting all done at the end of the year is sometimes daunting. Keep soaring!

 3 months ago  

Thank you, like you said it's easier to set the goals, but I'll try my best to see to it

 3 months ago  

Great goals!

 3 months ago  

Thank you.