The power of words

in Hive Learners3 years ago


Words can have so much power and it can also have no power and sometimes we put so much power into words in term of what people say to us or what they think about us and what happens around us as well.

I do want you to understand this, "someone can come up to you and call you a name and it can trigger you and can also completely set you off and it can also ruin your day but they can also call you a name and it would have no effect on you" and this explains that it's not actually the word itself but what we think of the word.

Have you ever been asked this kind of question, "how can I avoid others ruining my mindset or getting me pissed off?" , When I was asked this question, I couldn't answer it the way I should have because I don't want to sound so motivational in a place we only came to watch a movie and after I got home and thought about it and I decided I would share it over here today and also give my answer to the person that asked me.

My answer was that, no other person can ruin your mindset but you alone can do that, if a person comes up to you and say whatever they want to your face and it set you off but if that same person comes up to you and said same thing in a language you don't understand, you will definitely have no reaction and this again shows us that it's not the word at all but what we think about these words.

We are 100% fully in control of the power in the words, when we know the kind of words that triggers us, that means we are aware of our problems and where we need to world on...... This is very important and I have kept it with me for a very long time, "words only hurt to the degree to which we already believe them".

I have this friend that operates in a boutique and sells some wonderful clothes and he also had a website where he shares some pictures of his new products for people online and he started getting new followers and now he has a large customers on Instagram.

Lately we were talking, after I had bought some slides from him and I asked how his work was going and his reply was that it's stressful and sometimes when he receive some comments on Instagram that are discouraging, he would be so triggered and wished he had never start this business.

And I told him, it's fine to be insecure and he tried to argue and I gave him an ideal example and it goes this way; if a lady came up to him and told him, he has a ugly pink hair, will he be sad and he replied no because he doesn't have pink hair and I smiled and told him, if he does not believe in it why will he be triggered and I told him, you have a lot of competitors online and they would say anything just to bring you down and your products are original, so should you care about it.... And instantly he felt that relief and Said thank you.

If someone said something to you and you feel annoyed, it's because you have been keeping it with you before it was said.... If someone comes to me and call me fat, I will definitely laugh because I don't view myself as being fat and if someone get annoyed by it, it's because they actually believed in it.

You can still walk up to someone that's not fat and call them fat and they will still get offended by it..... The best thing I can tell you in this article is that, being triggered is a gift, if somebody triggers you, they don't deserved to be slapped, you should rather give them a high five or hug because that person is showing you where you're not free and stuck and that person really deserve an award.

I know it's not the easiest thing to swallow bit when you fully understand, but that person triggering you is just like the universe showing you a place you need to work on and shows us a place where we have given up our sovereignty because words are just basically words and we are 100% of what we think of those words.

One of my favorite quote and I still remember it till this day is, When someone comes to you and say something to you and you react to it and that means you're been triggered in some sort of way and if you do not react to them you're not been triggered and one thing I learnt from the quote is that no one can make you inferior without your consent, which means no one can make us feel bad without you consenting to feel that way, you have give yourself permission to feel whatever way you want.

I also once learn this quote from a psychologist and he also went through work war 2 but I couldn't remember his name because its been a while I read the book and he has an amazing book name "man search for meaning" and one thing he said was that stimulus and response and it means when someone says something to you and you respond between stimulus and response there's a space and in that space there's our power to choose our response and in our response lies our growth and freedom.

In conclusion, both quotes I mentioned meant the same thing and they all meant that we are the gate keeper to our freedom and if you allow someone word burst through that gate then you're no longer in control of the way you feel and you've given your control away with the way you feel to someone else's word.
