Making The Most Of The Holiday Season with Family

in Hive Learners2 months ago

The Holiday season seems to be coming to an end for most people which they are mostly not happy about, because this means cutting their journey/visit short for those that traveled, back to waking up as early as possible, this is especially for the students and workers, the reason why a lot of us make sure to make the best use of the holiday period, catching up with friends and family we haven't seen in a long while, some go as far as de the December, after all they've had to be rigid and miss out on fun the whole year due to lack of time and stress.


Every member of my immediate family are also in the holiday mood, in fact, my hubby had to take his obvd in a year leave during this periodd so he could spend much time with the children since they are also on holiday, but I happen to not be among the category of people enjoying the holiday due to ny kind of profession, I'm actually the busiest during this period, putting smiles in people's face through tge creation of the renowned Christmas and New year dress, trust me, I thought this year would be different, as I alsoooo wanted to take part in the holiday, but my clients had other plans for me, especially sincehey are the MVP clients I could'nt say no to, notwithstanding, I will still go on a break, but it would be when the holiday is mostly over for the majority at home, thankfully I have my husband helping me take care of the kids during this tedious working time, I hope to still get few days off work just right before the holiday ends for them, it will mostly likely be a family trip to a fun location, to make unforgettable memories this holiday season.


My children are already excited and looking forward to this trip even though I haven't decided yet the location and had only informed them of my plans, so there won't be any going back and I have to forcefully take that much-needed break because you can't go back on your promise to children, it gets stuck to their mind, and I have them reminding me every day of the promised trip I made, the reason I'm working so hard to keep that promise because going on an outing these days can be so expensive, but that shouldn't stop me from fulfilling the promise, our children deserve to have some fun this holiday season, taking them to a children fun park with playgrounds, ice creams, face painting, etc where there are lots of fun activities for children is what I hope to fulfill before the holiday comes to an end. So help me God.

Here is my wishing everyone a happy holiday, and a happy new year in advance, and may all our wishes for this year come to life even though we've got less than 24 hours and our goals for the new year also become easily accomplished. In all you do, make sure to make the best of the holiday.

All images used in this post are mine.

Thank you for reading ❤❤


 2 months ago  

Thank you

 2 months ago  

I hope you have the time to enjoy a little time since you couldn't spend the holiday as you wanted. Your children would be excited and eagerly anticipating the trip you'd plan for them. All the best, sis.

 2 months ago  

Spending time with loved ones especially kids is so fun and glad that the kids are happy with all you have planned for them.