What makes writing pleasurable is writing without pressure, clearly from your thoughts and mind.
Thanks for this wonderful writeup @starstrings01 I really needed it at this point, I've been trying to make a post for few days now, but after writing, i get discouraged because I felt it wasn't worth publishing, i guess I was pressuring myself to write instead of trying to enjoy the process, i think I write better if what I'm writing about is from within and relatable, still learning the process thou, hoping to get better with time, quality post from people like you and some other writer I've seen on hive really gives us insight. Thanks again.
Thanks so much for classifying my post quality. It makes me feel great.
One thing is when I write, I make it come from my heart which is why I am always proud of my articles when I go back to them.
Don't stress yourself. Just write even though you don't feel motivated. Write from the angle of how you feel and how it relates to the topic of discussion.
Alright, i will follow as guided, thanks for the knowledge