in Hive Learners2 years ago


The world was about to change for the better between the years 1642 and 1692 when the Italian Antonio Latini became the first person to create the recipe for a unique flavor of ice cream called Sorbetto, which was known as the "FIRST ICE-CREAM" in the renowned city of Naples.


We have seen many different ice cream flavors over the course of more than 331 years, not days, most of which I have yet to try, but generally speaking, it is these tiny flavors that are to blame for the ferocious riot of ecstasy on my taste receptors accompanied by that chilly sensation.


It awakens every cell in my body, and for that sensation, I will always be grateful to Antonio Latini and all the other brilliant chefs that created new flavors to enhance this magnificent work of art.




We had a long ass talk about our amazing days as brothers and how life had split us up into two different locations when I received a call from a friend I hadn't seen in months.

He completed a master's program in mechanical engineering and soon after obtained employment in the oil and gas sector, which would indicate that he was constantly on the move as he would move from one city to another.

In contrast, I had applied for the mandatory National Service, which lasts for about 12 months and required me to live in one city before moving to another (basically a forest-haha).




The absolute theater for ice cream is Cold Stone Creamery for me, at least in my country. It is the real definition of Home of Ice CREAM,

The ever sumptuous sight to behold each time you work into cold stone creamery factory makes me wonder why it was never added to the seven wonders of the world, it is the most glorious sight to behold and my lens of the camera was able to capture this moment too


We then made our way to the mixer, who welcomed us warmly and had a lovely grin. I suppose she wasn't expecting to see two handsome men in one day, and I can understand that emotion. She then said:

"Welcome to Cold Stone Creamery, good to see you. Can I get any flavors for you?"


Here's where things get confusing: "How do you even choose when you can't decide which flavor(s) to take?"


This is always the case when ever it comes to ice cream, you barely have any idea on what you desire and your taste buds won't stop itching to have a feel of everything but then you remember that the toilet can be your best friend for the entire day when you try to taste everything and sudden you pause to breath in and out because confusion hits harder now.


My friend had already figured what he wanted before even stepping in, as it turned out that he had checked for new combination, he called two flavors that was new to my ears, "Quite interesting", I thought to myself and he also requested for some Brownies as toppings.


I screamed in a hushed voice, "Brownies?," while the mixer and my friend stared at me perplexed. Since it is general knowledge that brownies in Nigeria are laced with a little weed, I honestly believed that it had become acceptable. I had no idea, however, that many of my close acquaintances and young people had switched to Pablo Escobar.



When it was eventually my turn, I recalled that before I realized the benefits of ice cream, my ex-girlfriend would frequently sing about her desire for the treat, and every time I bought it for her, I questioned why she seemed so happy. Simply put, I didn't like ice cream.

I didn't realize how activated my body was by a chemical until she offered to give me a spoon. The elation in my body was beyond description; it was like a breath of fresh air.I begged for her flavors and toppings ever since, haha.

However, in this instance, I had forgotten about her recipe. I remembered that one of the flavors was Vanilla and that the topping would be waffles, but I had trouble remembering the second flavor. I thus requested the mixer to add whatever she thought would be delicious, and the outcome was as follows:


The cashier was kind enough to add hotdog as a reward for buying ice cream that day, I guess it was our lucky day and here are the remaining photo dumps:


I was always mid way into devouring the ice-cream when the hot dog came, I had a strange feeling about it, the mayonnaise and ketch up did not strike me as the right combination but it tasted good.


I think it was a decent 7/10 but the bread was not as soft but the little magicial mixture inside the bread allowed it to taste good in my mouth.


I would argue that combining shawarma and yogurt is the best combination but ice-cream and hot dog is one of the rare combination anyone can have but overall it was a great delivery for my taste buds


It would be unfair to leave without dropping at least one JPEG of my friend, my great brother at Duncan who would love to be on Hive very soon.


Your paragraph text.png

All images are mine and was taken with iphone 11 by me

 2 years ago  

Omo! Enjoyment can not pass like this again 😳 look at those beautiful flavours, I could actually imagine the lovely smell coming from them already.

And the hotdog, Ahhh... This is a near case of suicide. You're showing us but we can't have a taste of any 😒 unfair!

So you share a shot of your shoe but shared your friend's picture... We want to see your own picture 😏

Where is this place located anyways? Let me add to bucket list 😂

 2 years ago  

HAHAH.. My picture is on the streets...It was not my choice is making you yearn like this but It was when I travelled from Akwa Ibom back to PH for nysc break..It is Cold Stone

 2 years ago  

Which streets? I want to go find them 😅
Oh noted, will check it online too

 2 years ago  

lol..check discord

You just literally made me start craving for ice cream

 2 years ago  

Lol..I would have sent it to venezuela

 2 years ago  

You are right about ice-cream making it to the list of the world wonders.

Staring at this picture is making me crave ice cream right now and I can tell that you guys had lots of funny digging to cup bit by bit. The location looks familiar but I wouldn't want to mix things up since all cold stone place always have glass at the exterior.

Nice hang out with your buddy...

 2 years ago  

If you are in PH, you should guess right but like you said, they all have the same exterior and interior too..Sorry for making you crave my boss

 2 years ago  

I felt hungry instantly, made remember when I had cold stone ice cream and pizza from Benin, but I’d still prefer just vanilla flavor.
I get tired quickly from having to many flavors mixed together

 2 years ago  

I am sorry haha..I really hate pizza or maybe they don't make it well.. Vanilla flavour is goated

 2 years ago  

My love for pizza ehn🥹

 2 years ago  

This enjoyment is much I! Okpoor, are you sure you are in this country because I'm already doubting you, it's good to give ourself nice treats, and I enjoyed going through all the pictures, if only you added yours.

 2 years ago  

I am very much in this country...aaaaah.....Everyone wants to see my ugly face

 2 years ago  

It's unfair that you didn't drop a picture of yourself. 😂
Anyway, I'm grateful to the inventors of Ice cream too, they brought in such marvelous wonder into the world. Ice cream lovers thank them everyday.
Cold stone is the only place with actual ice cream.

 2 years ago  

🤤I have to say that’s some nice combo. Ice cream really brings happiness, good you jumped on it after that first taste. And I love your very last JPEG the one where your wanted, it’s cool.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much