Guidance vs. Control: Finding the Right Balance in Parenting

in Hive Learners20 hours ago

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In today's time kids are very sensitive, parents need to be very careful as a small action sometimes effects alot on kids mind. Parenting is not easy task, if you are too soft then their are highly chances that your kid become stubborn and if you are too hard then their are good chance that the kid become which is always afraid of others. This is one example, the consciousness are more then that. All parents want to give everything their ward demands but because of many reason (financial condition is one of them) not every parent able to fulfill the demands. But they do their best to do the complete it. The parents are the first guide and te first protection for the their children and they always want to be their for their support and the guidance because it's for their inside, because of their love. But we have to understand that their is always a thin line between which may change the behaviour of the child. Some of the parents are so much supportive that they do not give the opportunity to their kid to do at their own, here the positive attitude of the parents create a negative effect on the wards growth. My mother always say - anything in excess is always bad, her the over protective nature, over supportive nature of the parents is not good for the overall growth of their kids. Today I come action a term Helicopter parents. To be honest I was not knowing this term before. Which I understand a helicopter parents are those how get involved in the life of their kids so much that they start controlling them and this leads to bad or negative effect on kids grown and lack of experience is one of them. To be honest I do not want to be a helicopter parent but I can not leave my kids alone when he needs my support and advice. So understand the kids and give them time to time support and guidance is my priority instead of interfering completely in their lives.


Parenting is not easy along with other challenge, making balance between how much parents should intervene in their children life and how much they should keep themselves away is one major challenge in today's time. If I talked about the time when we were kids then I must say the things has been changed a lot. The technology has involved in our lifes much that it changes the way we live before and this is the major change I can observe between the our childhood and our children. When we make some decisions it's all depends on our experience and perceptions, their may be some conditions in which an act or decision looks good to us but form other person point of view it may b wrong or vice versa. My kid are in very early age so most of their decisions were taken by myself or by my wife and ofcourse we discussed together also. But I love to discuss with my kids also (when they will be grown up to the age that they can take decision) before emailing any decision. On one side it's their life and they can decide what to do ot not to do but on other side it's also truth that they have lack of experience. For them the close person which has experience of life is their parents. So it's obvious the parents are the first row of support and guidance but it should be in consultation with the child also. It should not be a one man show.


In our home I always prefer that my kid should clean the space after her finish playing, the child should collect all this toys and other items and place it in their designated place after the world or play. We also prefer that she should put the garbage in the bin by herself. These also small activity are the basic for them and form this only they start realising the sense of responsibility, and when become responsible they are ready to take decisions also. Yes for some decisions we have to take the call, for example when my daughter was 5 year old, the school planned a trip which was outside the city. I were not comfortable but Gurseerat wants to go on trip. But when we talk with Gurseerat she understands and leave the idea of joining the trip. In this case we were knowing what is good or bad for her. Similarly in another situation we agreed to her decision. Actually 1st April is her birthday. My brother with his family is visiting us, so we decided that we will celebrate her birthday outside city at some hills location. But Gurseerat want to celebrate with his friends. So we agreed and changed our plan to go out. Its her day so let her decide. Making a balance become difficult but if we understand the situation and act accordingly it's not that hard. Or may be my children are in young age and I do not have any experience of dealing with teenage children. Is not difficult to understand it convince a child in early age but yes in case of teenager it's different story.


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