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RE: Nobody can criminalize something that we do to our bodies.

in Hive Learners25 days ago

Well minors is a bit different...they aren't considered independent through the law in general. But at the same time we as father can't decide doing something that can create a certain type of harming...we can't neglect food and care. So even if parents allow the kid to do this type of surgery, it can be considered in a same way. There are plenty of cases here with this problem since Canada allows that


oh i meant surgery for adults too, paid by state

 25 days ago  

ohhh but then isn't associated to criminality xD
it is a topic related to what the states should cover. for example boob jobs for women... unless it is because she had to remove it because of a cancer, it shouldn't be covered...the same way as sex surgery in adults I guess...

yea not directly related to criminality 😂 took the large way of word criminalize