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RE: Post-secondary studies choices affected by AI

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Man, that is what we call bad luck. I can imagine how hard this student spent years studying. Being a translator nowadays should be very hard... Well, I had a part-time job as a research market analyst, we analyzed audios and transcripts of health industry interviews with doctors and get the pin points that the costumer wanted to know. Now with AI tools that job has become obsolete hehehe I haven't received any new project for months now!


People better start to study how they can use AI, so they have an advantage on the people that don't.
For now it will not be AI that takes over your job, but the people who know how to use it.

 3 months ago  

Yes, in sciences is a heated area. I have been seeing at least half of the works using AI models to classify data for the last 7 years hehehe