Staying daily routine to stay fit...

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

How are you all.Hope all are having a good time. Everyone always wants to fit and fine.To staying fit i,m do many things, like follow many diet plan and excersize.Daily exercise is essential for staying healthy,fit and well.So i will follow my diet chart and workout. Now i will share my workout at home and diet plan.

Workout and diet plan to staying fit

Drink water and ginger water

Morning excersize is very important for excersize. So i,m always woke up at 5 pm.Aftet woke up first thing i,m doing its to drink 1 cup of water.Water is very important to stay it. And Then i,m going to start my prayer. Then I,m make drink. I will make ginger water and drink it with 1 tbsp honey and lemon.To make it first i will take some ginger piece and paste it. Then boiled it about 10 minutes.After boiled it. I will take 1 tbsp honey and 1 lemon. And drink it.It should be drink on an empty stomach.For this It will helps to remove excess fat.

In morning walk at least 30 minutes

drink ginger water i will start to walk at least 30 minutes. I,m start walk beside my house.It was very healthful to run in morning. Morning walk is fresh our mind and fit our health. I will never miss my walk. I want to strat running it was more important to stay fit.


workout session at home

I,m not going gym.So i will do my workout at home. Now i will share my workout that i will do at home. After walk i will take rest about 10 minutes. Then start to workout. I will first wear excersize belt.Then start my workout to my favourite excersize it plank. I,m do it about 1 minute that mean 60 second. When i,m start at first i will do it only 30 second.It was the excersize to remove my belly fat.Rhen i will do my excersize like jumping jack,Lunge, squat and many other workout.


I,m start my workout about one an hour. The most important thing is to Maintain the diet ,drink water and drink ginger water, And do excersize. If i,m gap any day then next have to start again from the beginning.So i,m try to never miss my workout.

My workout is simple. Woke up early and walk outside. I love to do it.So now it was my habit. To staying fit do one thing going to bed early and waking up early.I sleep about 6 to 7 hours, it gives me energy to work through the day and do my workout.
If you don't sleep properly, you don't want to exercise and do any work all day.So i will always everything to staying fit.So that's my routine to stay fit.

Thank you.


Yeah... If you do these things often enough, you will come to enjoy them and they will eventually become a habit. That way, even when you moss put on them, your body will remind you.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Yeah...i,m try to continue my excersize Every day.thank you so much to visit my blog..