Wishing you all a happy new month, I'm delighted to be a participant in this amazing contest titled MONEY FOR LOVE
I'll like to appreciate @hivelearner community for organizing this wonderful contest.
The answer here is NO
because love is an emotional feelings and it is also an affection which is natural, it is know as a thing of choice and mindset.. thou many guys and ladies nowadays thinks love is all about money, they also said that they can't date to a broke guy that doesn't have money, simple because the guy can't afford there needs.
We can still love without money and I know that there are some people out there that can't afford for their partner but they still love happily together, If they was no money, won't they be love?
As for me, I think love isn't all about money but it's more sweeter and happily when money is added, because some may have money and their character will be very bad my opinion here is that love is said to be a feeling which grows internally from the hearts and is it unexpectedly to anyone it is, not minding beauty or age. It continues growing while there are together and money is known as the tool that I'd used to buy everything we wanted but not Love,
I'll continue to say if I'm asked that can money buy love? because Love can never and ever be bought with money no matter what it takes or amount it is. but many people out there look at money as a means or solution to everything which is definitely impossible.
But I know it's not possible to live in love without money, but it is more enjoyable to love at first and work with your partner to earn money together.
Hope with my few words, I'm able to convinced you all that love can not be bought with money
Nicely said
Love is sweet when there's money but love shouldn't be built on the bedrock of money
Well said, it's true when there's money and you're both in love, it because sweeter but when you think you can buy love with your wealth, it can never be possible
Money is just an addition when the love is there.
No matter how much money a person has live can not be bought.
It's just a clearly stated fact though.
Thanks for sharing this with us sir
Thanks boss
Love without money these days is almost impossible. And that can only happen when both parties have a stable source of income.
Anything else, and it will be shaky.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thanks boss
Perfectly said