Life is a complex amalgamation of moments where we sometimes toil relentlessly and, at other times, are carried by the winds of fate. If I were to distill my understanding into a proportion, I'd boldly claim life's success is 80% hard work and 20% luck. But here's the twist: that hard work often crafts our luck.
Let's dive into this a bit more. I remember my regular trips to the gym, where every session felt like a battleground. The echoing thuds of dumbbells, the rhythmic huffing of treadmill runners, and the muted grunts of those pushing their limits became my symphony. Many see a person in good shape and off-handedly remark, "You're lucky to have such a good physique." However, they overlook the relentless grind behind it. Every drop of sweat was a step towards a goal, and every sore muscle a testament to dedication.

Amidst busy schedules, clock-watching, and life's endless hustle, carving out gym time was no short of a Herculean task. The primary challenge? Time. Or rather, the seeming lack of it. The trick, I realized, wasn't about 'finding' time, but 'making' it. It meant prioritizing, sometimes sacrificing an extra hour of sleep or that weekend binge-watch session. The reward, however, was a healthier body and a sounder mind. And while I may not have the coveted six-pack, the sheer absence of health issues feels like a trophy in itself.
Now, let's pivot to the 20% - luck. While it's tempting to dismiss it as life's wild card, I've come to appreciate it as the universe's way of saying, "I've got your back." However, it's essential to note that while luck can steer us in unforeseen directions, it's our hard work that ensures we have the tools to navigate our way.
But what's the big takeaway from all this? Dedication, perseverance, and consistency are our best allies. They craft our path, shape our destiny, and often, unbeknownst to us, sprinkle a little luck along the way.
To quote the renowned Roman philosopher, Seneca: "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." This wisdom encapsulates the symbiotic relationship between hard work and luck. One paves the way, while the other propels us forward.
In conclusion, while the unpredictability of life ensures we can never rule out the role of luck entirely, it's our hard work that sets the stage. So, next time you find yourself attributing someone's success purely to luck, remember the unseen grind, the sacrifices, and the relentless pursuit that likely played a more significant part. After all, we create our luck through hard work.
This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called Luck Or Hardwork
In luck and hardwork which do you think has more impact? Tell us a story where your Hardwork paid off, and one where you were lucky. What did those experiences teach you? Please share with us.
Yeah, luck won't shine if you are not hard work.
What kind of luck wants to shine if someone is not working. What is it going to shine one? That's the question I ask people that says luck has impact than hard work.
It takes a lot of Discipline to maintain a good physique as you rightly said. Some lines are silent and can only be understood by those who have gone the same way
Thanks for sharing these deep thoughts
What a great text to read, I completely agree with you and Seneca! When we are consistent and work hard, luck ends up finding us in some way and I have no doubt that it is the universe's way of showing its support to those who work towards a goal.
Strong persons only exist in gym not only from body as well as from mind. People get demotivated and never do hard work. I totally agreed with you that hard work can defeat Luck.
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You have rightly said that luck shines through hard work and this hard work is the color of our luck in life.
Congratulations on the incredible text, people really think that everything is easy and don't value the time and dedication it took you to get where you are today, of course sometimes we need to count on luck a little, but as you used the phrase so well, when we are already preparing for something, luck can smile at us and show how far we can go!