Work Of Arts Is From The Mind And Can Define

in Hive Learners3 months ago

The world itself is a result of the work of at that was why the creature when he was done he looked at them and said they are beautiful. As always, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Most times what we look at and it doesn't look appealing to us another beholds it and it is the best for him. Several people say this in a joking form and interpret it the way it will move well with them, "we are fearfully and wonderfully made". This is to say, some persons are wonderfully made while others are fearfully made, we all laugh at this saying as I do too.

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Arts or logos are used to represent a thing or two this is the reason why most organisations go for logo. Most often when you take critical look at the logo or art work you can say a one or two about such organization. Generally, there are people who are free mind so they don't bother so much about designs that they see up and down as it does not appeal to their fancy while there are those who are so detailed and read meaning into everything they see on a daily basis unless their minds becomes so busy or carried away with some events. Yeah, I am that one man that fall into this category of detailed people. I didn't just come up to this state something pushed me to. While I finished my college some sixteen years ago as a big girl I went to the market to do some shopping for myself. There was this top I saw and it appeased so much to my fancy so I went for it. One of the days I wore this top to a program, gently I went into the venue because my Mom and other of my siblings where so I just needed to say a high before proceeding to another place for another program. While going out as my Mom went to see me to the road, the gate man called her and told her that he wasn't happy when he saw me and that was because of the work of art on my shirt and he just let me in when he learnt I was going to meet her, he further instructed I remove it as what was there wasn't a good one and seeing my innocency and decency. O boy!! As if the earth should just open, since that day I don't go for anyhow kind of cloth maybe because of the beauty. The artist work on it must be one that communicates good things better still I go for plane clothes and that. Even now I have my kids, I don't get carried away by patterns and arts, it must be something I relate with or better still I drop going for it.

Most arts are not just done, they are mostly born out of a deep meditation or an even that happened in the past or one that it's been forecasted. Just the way people sing out of what they pass through or people give names based on what they passed through during the child's pregnancy or what they see they child should be so also people make work of arts to represent their feelings.

It is important to pay close attention to the work of arts we adopt for ourselves, as it is always say the way you dress is the way you will be addressed. Better still it's good to be plane than being associated by what we don't know or are not sure of there origin.

My entry to hive learners second edition prompt for the week

 3 months ago  

It's interesting that you were judged by the artistry on your clothes. Each artist prints a meaning in his work, it may well be a social criticism, a call for attention to a historical fact, the representation of a specific moment of a heroic act or his life, or simply the vision of how he sees the world. artist through his eyes. Whatever it is, art is a means of communication and expression of humanity. It is one of the most important humanities that we have and we must protect.

 3 months ago  

Yeah, for moralists there are some artist works which does not speak well of the wearer. In all we should just wear what will best represent us better still if it's for an event, it should end with it. Or do you say otherwise?

 3 months ago  

Art should be seen for what it is, no less and no more. Everyone has their standards, and that is something personal. If someone likes to eat leftovers, who can criticize them? I prefer to eat delicacies.

 3 months ago  

So funny, I get your point though.

Thank You