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RE: Breaking Free

in Hive Learners10 months ago

Overcoming the problem of overthinking is almost so difficult because as humans we always have to think and then when we become chronic thinkers, it's hard to know when we are not overthinking.

I'm happy that somehow you're breaking free from the chains of overthinking, I'm sure with more effort, you are going to come out of it completely 🥰

 10 months ago  

You’re very right. It’s a gradual process and when we don’t work on it early it gets worse.

I’m doing my best. Hopefully , I get to do better and better as the days go by.

 10 months ago  

I'm sure you will get better 🥰 Because you want to 🤭

 10 months ago  

I hope so.

 10 months ago  

Yeah we do 😊