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RE: Joe's Nighttime Brew

in Hive Learners2 years ago

All the Ben 10 fans that are more or less the Ben 10 themselves, lolz. You just made me Remember how passionate my younger brother was and even is about Ben 10, he was addicted then but not anymore, I guess experience happened, hehe.

I can imagine all the worries and shout you must have made mum to enjoy 🤦🏻‍♀️, go and sleep NO!!!, lolz. I'm happy now you get some little rest compared to back then.

Playing your guitar in the night is not so good sha, I'm happy you are mostly busy to do that almost every time. I've heard the guitar play without being plugged to electricity and it was loud not to mention actually plugging it to electricity, that's going to be really loud.

Well, I'm sure you are a very rich kid so they won't even dare call the cops on you or else they get double the next night, lolz.

Hmm, Fanta and coffee, that's really new and to see how effective it is, it's a no no. Me I love my sleep and I don't like forcing myself to be awake for too long so I just bare the consequences of sleeping when I shouldn't 😏. It's a good thing you are not planning to use that method anytime soon, it's too risky please. I have not seen you oo, Che you know, so you should be very careful 😜.

Thank you so much for making this post so interesting and fun to read, I was just enjoying every line and it was just beautiful ❤️.

 2 years ago  

You know that we that saw those kinds of cartoons were actually the coolest kids then. I don't know what you guys were doing at that age, but I know I loved every bit ot it.

My mom and I always had issues concerning my addiction for cartoons. But I eventually outgrew them.

Why is playing my guitar at night not good? Shey na dem buy my guitar for me? And besides, I get some peace and quite to focus more at night.

I they call any cop like this, I will bundle all of them inside my wardrobe.

Please o, I no send anybody to dey try my drink o... You go just dey behave slow for the rest of the day.

It am always glad to find your comments on my post, Hope. You should know that I appreciate you.

 2 years ago  

Hahaha, see you bragging, I actually saw it but I was not as addicted to it as you guys, I'm sure it was because Ben 10 was not a girl, lolz.

Of course I can imagine the kid of talk you might have put her through just to get you to go to bed, stubborn son because of cartoons, lolz.

Hahaha playing it is never bad in its own but the fact that you might be disturbing someone with it is the problem but since no one has come to complain yet it's fine, after all you don't play it every night.

Hahaha, see you, you want to add to your crime abi? Lolz.

Hahaha, I hope no body tries it, you know there are some people that still believe that experience is the best teacher, lolz.

Awwn, I'm always happy when I get the opportunity to read and comment on your post too, so the feeling is mutual, hehe.