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RE: π™½π™΄πš†π™±π™Έπ™΄πš‚ π™Έπ™½π™Έπšƒπ™Έπ™°πšƒπ™Έπš…π™΄ πšƒπ™΄π™°π™Ό π™»π™΄π™°π™³π™΄πš πšƒπ™°πš‚π™Ί 3 πšπ™΄π™Ώπ™Ύπšπšƒ (πšƒπ™΄π™°π™Ό 3)

in Hive Learners β€’ 2 years ago

Hahaha, then it's on oo, lolz.

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Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Okay now my love let's keep on going

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Hmm, Foxy seems like there is typographical error in this text oo, you said love, are you supposed to say that? I thought we agreed that that should be out? You did not let me say anything related to sure so please don't say it too πŸ™„. Well of course we can keep the ball rolling, I'm all in, hehe.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Lolz πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ well don't mind that thing wey dey come out from your mouth lolz πŸ˜‚πŸ€£..well I will use any language I want with you until you tell me to not use it again okay...
If you don't like it just say stop okay

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

That will be so much fun then, me sef I go still dey talk the one when dey my mouth but I nor go stop even if you want say make I stop and that is why we are different, lolz, just try to keep up with whatever you will be doing, lolz.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Looks like you truly slept well my dear. I need to sleep on that your bed soon to wake up like this everytime lol 🀣🀣🀣

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Yes oo I slept really well, but that doesn't mean I was satisfied sha but I was able to wake up with a positive mind, hehehe. You should come and sleep on it, I'm sure you will love it too, lolz.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Lolz πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ is it possible?? Lol 🀣🀣🀣 I no sure lolz πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£