You’ve spoken really well, GP.
There are both sides to this matter and it is quite a sensitive one but then, if you are not guilty in anyway, you will even be happy that they are asking for your social media handle, I mean, plus one follower of viewer, lol.
Well, that’s on a lighter side. One thing I believe is, when things happen, it always happens for a reason and like you concluded on the aspects of individuals, we should always live a life knowing that people are watching. Even if your employer doesn’t ask if it, one day they might come across it and what you’ve been avoiding will still happen.
Thanks for sharing this with us. 🥰
Yea that's very true, living a life that's morally upright and presentation before anyone on the social media is one way to avoid unnecessary issues at work.
Even though some employer too can overdo and misinterpret some things seen on our social space.
Actually, not just our employers, people generally most times misinterpret things and that’s one reason why we should be more careful.
The social media is a social platform, you have to interact with people once in a while and these people most times see you for what you are by the things you post even when sometimes we do them just for fun.