Over years, I've been privileged to witness so many cases where people just give up on themselves because of the type of disease that is or has affected their lives. They are not willing to do anything to help themselves because they think that there is no way out, this is the End they will say. Everyday, we wake up to hear the news of someone who has died because of one disease or another and it's just so painful we can't save them from it, we'll that's because it's not in our power to do so.
In the world today, we have so many diseases that plaque man and most of them has taken so many lives, it's almost uncountable and if you look at most cases of death registered, most of them did not die because of the disease, let me tell you, they died because of DISBELIEF. In our today world, so many trained doctors have studied a lot and they've made us believe that there are cure for some diseases while others don't have.
I know some of you might want to disagree with me on some of the points I'm making but before that, let's hear this short story.
Back then when I was a little girl, even now, I never for once like the idea of taking drugs, especially bitter ones to get well because I believe that if I do, I will throw up and I don't like throwing up. My dad will always be angry at me whenever he gives me a drug and I throw it out, he was always frustrated whenever I did that. Because I was not happy of how my dad keeps wasting his money on drugs for me, I had to look for a way to get well whenever I feel sick without taking those drugs because I don't want to get my dad frustrated and that made me study people, both when they are well and when they are down in health.
I kept studying how the human brain, my brain works and I found out that, the cure to any disease is in our hands, funny right? Yes, even I laughed at myself at first because it was crazy. Now there are some people I know of, once they fall sick, they have a particular drug they always take because they believe that the drugs will save them but that's not what saved them actually, what saved them was the strong belief they have that the drugs they are taking will save them. And you will notice that not until they take that drugs, they won't agree they are fine.
Pls note : I'm not an health expert or something but I'm a believer and it works so well for me and I'm very certain it will work for you as well, all you have to do is BELIEVE. Just believe that you are going to be fine no matter what disease that you have and trust me when I say you will be fine.
God has created all we need to survive so why do we choose to limit ourselves to those drugs we created, when we have a host of other things that are there to make us well when we are down in health? It all depends on what you want to believe, do you believe that it is only when you go to the hospital you will be better? Do you believe that it is when you take more rest that you will be fine? Do you believe it's the words of the doctor that will make you feel better? Do you believe it's the food you eat that will make you better?
The truth is, everything can heal us as long as you believe you will be fine, you will be, but if you believe you won't be, so it will be also.
Today I'm supposed to talk on the disease I will love to have a cure for and that disease is DISBELIEF, if only we can believe, we will receive.
This is where I will stop for this topic and I hope you understand, but if you do not understand, don't hesitate to ask your questions at the comment section, it will be a really great pleasure to give an answer to you and also your contribution are very much welcomed as well, let's see how well we understand what I wrote, shall we? 😊.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I'm so honored to have you stop by 🙏🙏.
Not all diseases are health related some dwells from our mindset. Disbelief is one of it and I love the way you put it and explained it. As they say, there is power in our tongue and minds, whatever we dwell in us or say come to reality because on our own we are small gods! Greater than Angels themselves.
That’s why if you are to ‘SPELL’ a word, they use the term SPELL. Because you are declaring it to existence. You feel me?
You want to achieve something in life, then SPELL it to existence. No matter the situation or health illness
I'm so glad you could relate well with my thought, this proves you understood my point and it means a lot to me.
While I was writing on it I was just praying on my mind that my readers should understand what I meant because it was almost weird if not weird.
I feel you, wella. That's so true, do you know I never thought of it that way before? Smiles, thank you for sharing it with me.
It's a really great privilege to have you stop by and leave such beautiful comment and contribution, I truly appreciate it 🙏❤️.
Both health and illness are part of our lives. I think sickness will be there and we have to move on with it. God keep you and your family well.
Yes it will be there but we have to keep believing it will pass and not give up on ourselves.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment Hasan, I sincerely appreciate your comment 🙏💙.
Hope took us to another level and I love this. That is just the truth. God never wants us to die of sickness or disease. There is power in believing and that is something we need to activate in our lives and minds. When we believe we won't be sick, we won't.
Since the day I believe that sickness isn't for me, it's been long I have been sick and that is power of believing.
Thanks for sharing such insight with us.
Exactly, same here, ever since I believed I won't fall sick and even if I do it won't be more than a day, it has been working well for me and I know it will be Permanent soon.
I'm so happy I have someone like me here, thank you for stopping by and leaving your amazing comment, I sincerely appreciate it 🥰💙.
I know some people will be surprised that is disbelief a diseases.well, it is , when a person have doubt about herself and didn't believe on herself it's a critical diseases to that person.we should always believe we will be fine no matter what.Thanks for your words, it will be an encouragement for people passing through some sickness or any disease right now.
Thank you more for leaving such beautiful contribution, I sincerely appreciate it dear.
I do hope it encourages someone today as you've said 🙏💙.
I hope so too😊
Yeah 😊.
Thank you😊🥺
You are welcome dear 💙.
I believe if we have enough time to rest everything will be fine and we are far from disease, and the factor of taking care of food is also very necessary in keeping the body healthy and free from any kind of disease.
Yes that's right, but if after taking those good food we fall sick, we should do well to believe that everything will be fine.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving such beautiful comment, I truly appreciate it Vikar ❤️🙏.
Yes I agree, sometimes it's panic that makes us sicker
Yes friend, that is true ❤️.
thanks ☺
You're welcome dear 💙.
I thinking I get the co concept of what you are trying to put out. Basically you are trying to say disbelief is a form of limiting certain potentials and restricting the growth of our thoughts
Yes, and also I'm trying to say that it is because of our disbelief that some people don't survive some of these diseases we call deadly.
Thank you for stopping dear, I'm so happy to get a comment from you 🥰🥰.
You welcome dear 😁
There’s power in belief. I’ve thought about your scenario you used about how drugs work because we believe in them before. Maybe it’s just our body syncing with our brain’s belief that the drugs are working. But science is still science and in the case if health, it beats psychology I think.
Lol these are normally the kind of thoughts I have in the shower. My shower thoughts haha.
Hahaha, it's still based on what we believe in the end dear.
I'm so glad you stopped by, thank you for your comment 🥰🙏.
My pleasure love:)
Hmm.... So deep.
That word called believe is so deep.
I rest my case.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment dear, I really appreciate it 🥰.
You're always welcome.
Thank you so much dear 🥰🥰.
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Awesome!!! 💃💃, thank you so much for the update @hivebuzz, it's always a pleasure to get a buzz from you 😊❤️.
Thank you so much @hivebuzz, it's a really great pleasure to be involved with others 🥰🥰.
Oh my disbelief is a disease your analysis was great which made me feel amazed
I'm so glad you get my point friend, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment, it's very well appreciated 🙏🥰.
Hi again,
I am very much in agreement with you. Long ago, I wrote a similar article:
I hope that the past few years have opened the eyes of many to the foolishness of much of what professional doctors and hospitals promote. Drugs and machines are inferior to fresh air, sunshine, good food, proper rest, and faith in Jesus/God.
Be careful where you put your faith!

I'm so glad you agree with me friend, you've spoken really well. We humans have limit the saving power of God in our lives and the sooner we start believing in him again, the better for us.
It's always a pleasure to have a comment from you and you have indeed made a very positive contribution, thank you so much ❤️🥰.
The mind is a powerful place. It is one that controls both the things within and the things without. The mind can cause birth, and it can also cause distruction.
And yes, if you do not believe, you cannot receive. The mindset of a man is the setting of his life. His lifestyle, influence, affluence, value, and virtues are all heavily influenced by this place, the mind.
I term it a "place" because it really is an environment, an environment where thoughts, aspirations, and dreams are birthed and grown. "As a man thinketh, so he is."
And like I said earlier, the human mind plays a big role in controlling the circumstances of our lives. So really, what you think of yourself is what you become. You think you are sick; you will be. You say you are whole and hearty, so you shall have it.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder.
I love your contribution dear, you've did a really good job explaining more on it and I'm grateful.
The mind has power even as our tongue, so we should we very careful what we think and say as our existence depends on it.
Thank you coming through with your comment dear, I sincerely appreciate your time and support 🙏❤️.
Hmmmmmm this is it again, strictly amazing,I never understood this in the hangout yesterday but after reading your post it made me understand every of your writing..
This is very true,we need to first believe that all will be well as our mindset is the first way to conquer every disease first, then look up above and ask whatever you want from he that giveth all without asking in return, hope you have proved how amazing of a writer you are keep smiling ❤️❤️❤️...
If I should find your post amazing again then I will be forced to....... 🔥🔥🔥🔥...
Beautiful presentation ❤️❤️❤️
Oh dear, so sorry about yesterday, my mic was not good just like yours 😏. But I'm so happy you took your time to read this and it's giving more joy to know you understood my points very well.
Hahaha, you just have a way of making me feel like I'm......I will always keep smiling especially when you keep showering me with so much sweet words 🥰🥰.
Hahaha, what will you do? Why did you stop? 😪
Thank you once again Foxy ❤️❤️.
Thank you so much my darling, I'm so happy you stopped by and left such a beautiful comment, it's really so good to get a comment from you 🥰🥰❤️❤️🥺.
Thank you 🥰🥰😘😘