In time past we have heard so much about all the good things and benefits our ancestors have enjoyed but then there were still Buts because they lacked so many things then compared to now and I will say it was so because that is how it was meant to be. Our forefathers had all they ever wanted because if they had wanted more, then they would have gotten it, but since they didn't it means they had no use for such things in their time.
In time before now, our fathers were more concerned of just reproducing children for either slavery or manual work and that was because they saw that was what they needed to survive. Then they believed that a girl or boy does not have the right to choose who he or she wants to get married to, they just betroth them to whomever their parents deemed fit. There are many flaws with our forefather's ways of living from day to day but then they were happy with it.
But comparing the way our forefathers lived to ours, I will say we have so many advantages to them but sadly the generation of today are smart but lack experience in things and that's why we are still feeling a little confused as to which generation is better but then I will say this generation is a lot better compared to that of our forefathers because we are privileged to have some people who have experienced both ages and they are helping us in this generation understand a lot of things better and I have seen that they appreciate so many things we are doing compared to their time.

The major problem we are having today is that we have too much pride in us just like our fathers, we don't like to be corrected, we don't like to be told what to do but we want to tell people what and what not to do and that is totally wrong. Our fathers acted the same way and we are still following in their wrong steps, instead of us to make better choices after seeing how they ended up with the wrong choices they made.
We should be more happier than our fathers because we have more privileges than them, we are no longer limited to think within a box, now we have the opportunity to let our imaginations run wide and bring solutions to problems we are facing today. We have freedom more than our forefathers had, some had to give their wives or daughters to people some even out of their own will just to acquire things for themselves but that is not acceptable now even though some still do them in the name of tradition.
This generation is blessed but then we are inexperienced to know how well to put our knowledge into good use and we most times end up using what we are privileged to have for the wrong things and these are the things that bring about sadness to ourselves but the good thing is we can always make amends and keep trying to get it right just like our forefathers did until it got to our turn. We should keep making the necessary adjustments so the upcoming generation will be better instead of us losing hope of it ever getting better.
In summary

We that are in this generation, we are more fortunate than our fathers because we have the opportunity to set things in the right place as it should be. Our forefathers no longer have that opportunity to put things in the place it should have been but then we have the opportunity to do so and for that we are really so fortunate and lucky. Let's keep building the best for the next generation that is coming after us so we can be in a position when our descendants won't be able to deny the fact that our generation was one of a kind in it's good conducts.
That's all for today, I look forward to seeing your contribution and others, they are all welcomed.
Ahhhh baby girl🦋.i missed going through great content from you. Anyways am back to keep enjoying them.
I share your view point but at the same time saying our time is better, is really a tough one or say..
Because during the past , those one was just geniue, so the surrounding was .
The vegetable was purely natural, survival was a lot easier.
No doubt our time has revolved,but alot went in line .
But regardless we are blessed in our ways too 😊.
Thank you for sharing your view.
Oh dear, it's been a while, hope everything has been well with you?
I'm more honored to have you here. Truly our fathers enjoyed their time but then the flaws then were just to obvious outside the fact that they had access to natural things more than us.
Well, I will always say we are more happy compared to them, have you watched any of the Nigeria documentary films before or read the history? My dear even those older ones that were privileged to be in the two generations they can't deny the fact that we are more happier now than they were.
Thank you for stopping by dear, I really appreciate ❤️.
And ohhh I've been doing fine.
Just that my phone got bad, got a replacement.
Oh I see, so sorry about that, I'm happy to see that you are back online 😊.
Yeah thanks 😊
You're always welcome dear, it's my pleasure ☺️
You welcome 😊😊
Thanks ❤️
I was so confused when writing this contest. I kept wondering which generation is better - ours or our grandfathers?
So many things were unfavourable in their time just like you've said. Who knows who we would've have been married to by now? The issue if ladies being the weaker vessel was rampant in their time and women barely had equal previleges with the men, more like we were voiceless. From denying our rights to Education to underestimating the power of our mind. No one would believe us back then to be capable of making good decisions hence, the reason for always imposing marraige and other decisions on us.
Look at us today! The world has indeed evolved and the advancement is clear. Despite all the comfort we have, our generation is far from peaceful or happy. Too many ills as there are too many benefits as well.
But your post has made a striking point I didn't even think of before. You said we are of a greater advantage because we have the ability to create a change and still have it right at points where we lost it. This is very true! This generation needs purification of mind, purification of heart as it's where all the hatred, maliciousness and bad intents flows from.
Solid read. Well done dear @hopestylist .
What a beautiful comment! I couldn't help but smile and admire the fact that you read and digested all that I have said iny blog. You have done a really good job dear, thank you so much.
Drawing a balance was never really hard for me but then I needed to be careful on how to portray my points so I don't offend some and that is why I truly appreciate your for leaving such positive feedback to show that you truly read everything I said.
The fact that this generation still has a little time to set things right is a better hope that we have compared to our forefathers and it shouldn't be overlooked. We are just so lucky in almost every way one can think of.
So sorry for the late replies my darling, I have been really choked up with work offline.
I think it was rather the fact they didn’t have access to the things we have that they didn’t use them. I don’t think they didn’t have a use for a mobile phone as they waited several days or months for letters, sending pigeons to deliver messages, or that they didn’t need cars and airplanes when they rode horses and donkeys long journeys when they need to travel.
Excellent entry as always, hope. Have a great day:)
Well I don't really know much about them, but then from most of the pictures that have been painted from how they lived in the past, I saw it that they enjoyed doing the job because it was not a job for everyone, it was meant for some and I'm sure some of not all enjoyed doing those job.
And when they discovered how hard it was then they still got a better way to them to carry out some of these activities. It was when our fathers were colonized that their eyes were opened even more but then, they saw what they did as the only way and they had no choice but to accept it that way.
Thank you so much for stopping by Shamzy, you are right with what you have said and also I have a reason for also saying that but then it is two ways. They wanted more but they could not get and they settled for the less they had.
Pardon me for the late replies, I've been busy offline 😔.
Don’t worry about the late reply. You have a history of always replying on time so I know something must’ve come up. Enjoy your day:)
Thank you so much for being so understanding and observing. You too enjoy the rest of your day 😊.
We sure are the lucky ones because we enjoy a lot compared to our forefathers. The changes experienced in our world today might have negative Effects but that does not mean we would wish to go back to the Stone age.
That's just it, despite the flaws of our present age, I will still choose it over and over, hehe. We dey enjoy now abeg, our fathers suffered so much and it was all because of ignorance but today we have access to any information we want except for few.
Thank you so much for stopping by Offia 🤗
Thinking about the privileges we enjoyed now, comparing it to what our forefathers had, it hard to say we really had it better.
Look at today's society, the hardships and hunger rampaging the every sector of the society, does that sound like we have it all.
Development is meant to make lives easier but it seems man kind is being driven to extinction by the same development we crave.
Our forefathers had limited resources but their life expectancy is more higher than ours, disease such has cancer and other illness exist but at low rates because our forefathers don't consumed plastic or fermented goods.
Who really had it better is a matter which angle you are viewing the world from.
Thanks for sharing.
Hehehe, I still believe we have it better because we have freedom my friend, we are not scared that we will be taken for slavery at any time, we are not worried of how we are going to visit people who live very far away or even call them and give them very vital information, I'm not scared that my dad has given me out to one old man or even a young boy to marry, not at all.
Yes we are using our developments to cause harm to ourselves but that is a choice, it's not as if anyone is forcing it on us, we are the ones that made these choices for ourselves and we will have to reap the consequences too.
Well, you might still say our fathers had it more or chose to be at the middle but me I know and I believe we have it more. Thank you so much for your contribution friend. So sorry for the late replies, I've been busy with offline engagements.
Ok, this another angle to it. Majority of the early marriage are as a result of illiteracy. They do not know any better. But then at the same time, our ladies at that time they have sense of decency, compared to the kind of waywardness and lack of morals & ethics among our young ladies in this present.
Civilisation has made life easier by enlightening populace of the world, that is true but in the same thread same enlightenment has brought about decay in our values, morals and sense of decency.
There has never been a time when indecency was never a problem, but then it was more disgraceful to be in that category then but now it is not. Well for me the problem boils down to parenting because a child will never do something that he or she didn't learn. And that is why I said we are more lucky because we have heard these things, we know these things that are going wrong with this generation so it's left for us to find a lasting solution to it by doing what we should do.
It's very true that if our ancestors wanted more, they would have gotten it, after all that's was how the world was able to evolve today. Rather they chose to be satisfied with the less complex life and they were able derive happiness from it, even without the technological advancement we have today.
Of course there's no doubt that we are living better than our fore fathers and I also agree with you that it's our responsibility as the privileged generation to set things right because the future most definitely lies in our hands.
Thanks for this lovely article!❤️
You have spoken really well, I'm so happy you could understand what I've written to this point it means a lot to me.
Thank you too for stopping by and leaving your comment.
You are right that our generation is lucky and fortunate to retrace back their steps and do the right thing. Perhaps it would have been better if our forefathers could have what we have today, but since their era is gone, we should take up the responsibility and use these opportunities to make the best out of it.
That's right, we have so many opportunities to make our generation and the ones to come better just as our forefathers also set the paslce for us and we did better. I pray that we don't get it wrong in the end.
so many weird cultures being practice during our fore fathers time, the modern life helped in stopping some of those, and the modern life would always be the best, both are not comparable!
You're absolutely right, it's just so incomparable in the end. We are more privileged in almost every aspect.
Thank you for your comment Dada ❤️
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Thank you so much @ecency 🤗
Yes indeed, so many great opportunities we have and yet they end up being mismanaged. Sadly.
Exactly, but then whatever has an advantage always has a disadvantage but when we compare we will realize that the disadvantages our forefathers had were more than the advantages.
Thank you so much for stopping by
You're welcome. 😇