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RE: An Act of Punishment for Discipline

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Talking nicely to your son or daughter can teach them to learn from their mistakes. If they still make those mistakes repeatedly, then that’s the only time when you can punish them.

Now that I’m already a young adult, I wonder why my parents sometimes beat me when I made a mistake. It’s so unnecessary if we can use our past mistakes to reflect and not to do some punishment.

For example, if you made a mistake in breaking a glass, I don’t know why some parents used to hit you up. Is it the consequence of breaking it? Is the outcome of it is that you can’t use it anymore? Why won’t parents try to break their son’s favorite toy and allow them to reflect on that mistake?

I only realized this when I watched a video where her daughter was bullying someone with the ailment. She shaved her head to teach her a lesson, and I salute her mom for that.

It's the same as what our teachers and favorite fiction tease us. When the three pigs make different houses to protect themselves from the wolf, it doesn’t need physical punishment to tell them that great things take time.

 4 months ago (edited) 

Talking nicely to your son or daughter can teach them to learn from their mistakes. If they still make those mistakes repeatedly, then that’s the only time when you can punish them.

Yea. You are right. I think going soft on them at the beginning and if they don't listen, you introduce the hard discipline to them.

I only realized this when I watched a video where her daughter was bullying someone with the ailment. She shaved her head to teach her a lesson, and I salute her mom for that.

Wow, trust me, I love this method too. It's not only about physical punishment but something they will always remember whenever they want to try anything funny next time. In my tribe, they give you a lasting mark you will never forget. Just by looking at the mark on your body would remind you not to do anything bad because there will be consequences.

Thanks for your beautiful comment. I appreciate it.