My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W17E2 " | Me and my family love to keep cats

in Hive Learners3 years ago
Hello friends #hive everyone how are you I hope you are always in good health

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I am back in front of your eyes to share stories about my pets and my family and I love to keep cats. Before continuing, I would first like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to enter this week's very challenging contest. As we know this week is the 17th week of the second edition of the contest in this beloved community and in the last few weeks many have shown their writing skills and it really made me want to join like the others.

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

Having a pet is something that is very entertaining and fun while there are also people who don't agree with us because we also see people who don't like keeping any animals in their homes, but I am different from people like that because I really like keeping cats at home and I'm not the only one who likes to keep my family cat, I also really like to keep cats.

Today I will share my story about my pet, namely the village cat, actually I really like various kinds of cats such as the Angora cat and so on, but considering how difficult it is to care for it, I didn't buy the Angora cat and the price of the Angora cat is also very high. expensive, so it's a factor of consideration, and I only keep a village cat at home and I keep a village cat at home, but for the picture that I share with you today, only one.


There are several reasons to keep a village cat at home, my family likes to keep a village cat because it aims to get rid of rats which are very annoying, because my family lives with farmer work and produces rice when the rice harvest is of course half of the rice is kept at home and the other half is sold, as for which is stored at home, of course, there are many risks from small animals such as tusks and other insects that usually like to eat rice at home, but with cats there are definitely no mice and it is very profitable, therefore my family really likes to keep cats at home.

If I personally like cats since I was born and I really like cats seeing their cute faces especially white cats and I really like white, but at my house right now there are several colors of cats that I keep, one of them is like the picture that I display in my article today, for my pet he is very spoiled wherever I go he always follows me sometimes I go to the garden suddenly they are already behind me.

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

So that's my short story at this meeting, I'm sorry if there are mistakes in my writing until we meet again in my next post, of course in this beloved Hive Learners community.

Special thanks:

@hive-learners @bruno-kema

I would also like to invite my friends to participate in this contest:

@rahmatandesti @waliphoto @deimage

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English



 3 years ago  

Kucingnya sangat imut

 3 years ago  

thank you so much for reading

Wow... really beautiful indeed. Cats are such quiet animals, but they can be vicious when they choose to.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

I agree with that, even so they are still very cute. Thank you for visiting and good comments. have a nice day boss

 3 years ago  

Wow, that was good buddy.
Lot of people love a cat, and you one of them.
Did you named your cat...?

 3 years ago  

I didn't name this one

 3 years ago  

You should i think. 😂

 3 years ago  

Movies made me too scared of cats especially their eyes🥺... And they can also be cute too.

It's confusing sometimes if I see them as cute or scary.But generally they are great pets too

 3 years ago  

You don't need to be afraid of cats, because cats if we take good care of them are certainly not scary. thank you for reading

 3 years ago  

You're making me like cats but I just can't and I' scared of them especially at night and also the black ones