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RE: Curiosity & Observation To Grow Quickly On Hive

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Cool observations and advice's!

I'm still curious about most of things and tbh, you said it very well curiosity matters a lot to grow and own observation how things are going in ecosystem.

I've asked infinite questions and sometimes i stop myself that i think it will irritate them 😂

Tho, i had planned to learn coding as it have so much potential and real value in present or future.

For now trying to learn all HTML formatting to make my future posts better and also joined many different communities where I'm meeting new people and learning new stuff.

In the end #WAGMI.!!

 3 years ago  

That's awesome bro. Just keep learning and growing. All the best to you.

HTML formatting

You mean Markdown? I will do a post on Markdown formatting tips. Thanks a lot for the idea. ;)

 3 years ago  

Thanks for encouraging bro.

You mean Markdown?

Yep, that would be Cool. Looking forward to read it.