Date yourself before looking for a date...
When you approach some women for a date. They will insult you.
They insulted you because , they see it as an insult to them.
Not that they don't need a date, they needed it but why must it be you? Why not a better man?
Sometimes those women don't even know you very well, they don't know your work, your business or how much in your account and they don't even care.
They have sized you, weighed you on a scale and made decisions within seconds based on your appearance.
This is why, you shouldn't neglect your physical appearance.
Naturally, vvomen overestimate themselves. Every woman wants a man that is far higher than her in all angles.
A lady hawking Gala in the traffic can't date a boy hawking Gala in the same traffic. She will see him below her level. She rather twerk to that man in a fancy car who wants to buy a Gala from her. He is the one she sees as her level.
Women are attracted and make decisions based on what they see and hear. They don't probe further. Main reason you shouldn't neglect your physical appearance .
Just appear good or look rich and tell a woman that you are the son of the president of the country, she will believe you without probing further.
She has already made decision based on the quality of clothes you wear, your costly shoe and wrist watch, the scent of your perfume and your nourished skin.
This is why you shouldn't neglect your physical appearance.
Date yourself before looking for a date. Those things you would have done for her if she agreed to date you, start doing it for yourself to look good.
That fancy clothes you would've bought for her, that costly perfumes, shoes, wrist watches you would have bought for her if she accepted to date you, start buying it for yourself to look good. Never neglect your physical appearance.
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