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RE: Broke Yet Unapologetically Content!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

It seems you are a Pepsi addict in my opinion. I have seen some people who are like that and for them, it's impossible to think of life without Pepsi😅.
Data seems very important to us and we can't stop buying data packs because if we do it we will be disconnected from world.
It seems you have a lot of things to spend even if you don't have enough money. That means you are going to face a tough time if you face a financial crisis.

 2 years ago  

It seems you have a lot of things to spend even if you don't have enough money. That means you are going to face a tough time if you face a financial crisis.

Lol.. yes, it's the reason I am strict with my budget. I know if I go overboard, I might drown.

Thank you for coming around to support me too. 😁