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RE: Drinking water is limited, Be wise in case of drinking water

in Hive Learners10 months ago

In this earth there is no sort as of water but I am saying that in the future there will be shortage of drinking water. To reuse the water, water chlorination can be done and it should be done by government or organization because it make the water drinkable again but the amount of chlorine should be add concerning human health.

 10 months ago  

Yeah water chlorination is key and that’s why it’s good to place the water under the sun as chlorine is formed automatically or should I say naturally, hehe

 10 months ago  

Sorry sorry, I didn't get your point. How chlorine can be formed in water unless we mix it manually in water?

 10 months ago  

Do you know that under UV light chlorine is formed?

 10 months ago  

Yes, I know about it but for that chlorine-based compounds should exist in the water. In water, there exists a low amount of chlorine-based compounds and it can't fully purify water.

 10 months ago  

A lot of methods don’t completely purify water but they help