True democracy needs to be established

in Hive Learnerslast month

Freedom is the most precious for a human, and for the seed of achieving freedom, people are ready to sacrifice their lives. There are many examples of it, and you can find them easily if you search it in the history. Citizens of a country want democracy because, in a democratic system, they are the powerful ones who select the leaders for that country.

True democracy means that the citizens or population of a country have the supreme power. The population will decide whom to select as a leader, and democracy is a very good practice considering the long term. Let's talk about the situation in my country.

I am from Bangladesh, and it is a democratic country. The situation in my country is complicated, and I am describing the situation right now. In my country, the last time a fair election occurred was in 2008. After that time, the elected government never left power, even at the time of the election, and naturally, all the election was biased. That government technically eliminated the opponent party and restricted them from coming to the election by keeping most of their politicians behind prison and applying many tactics.

Let's talk about the voting system. Fake votes were done because people lost interest in voting. Many people could not vote because someone else gave their vote. Some were forced to vote for the current government, and they don't have any choice. Each time of election, the government became more dominant. The government didn't hesitate to take life of anyone if someone went against the government.

A few months ago, the situation was like we didn't have the freedom of speech. We can say something good about the government, but we were not allowed to criticize about the bad thing of the government. Whoever tried to do it went behind the prison, threatened, or lost their lives. Corruption was at its peak level, and everything was happening in front of everyone, and nobody could stop them because we were helpless.

Students started the protest for quota reform, which was the logical demand. At the beginning it was simple, but our X prime minister lost her mind and said some illogical words, and the protest became more strong, and at the end she used brute force and killed 1000+ students ( unofficially). At the end, the protest diverted from the main protest, and it converted into a stepdown of the current government, and most people also supported it. The prime minister was forced to flee from the country, and we regained our freedom. Right now everyone is practicing democracy and everyone has the freedom of speech, and I don't know how to express how happy I am, although it's too economically. We are facing a crisis right now. Whatever the situation, it can't be more valuable than freedom of speech.

So I think true democracy should be established, and it's good for the population of my country. Corruption should be stopped, and the most helpful thing to establish is democracy, because if there is no corruption, no one can take advantage. And at last, I think every voter needs to be trained because boating without any kind of consideration can't bring any positives for a country. People need to consider which government can do good things for the country and vote to select the suitable leader.

I know I could write a lot of things about it, but I tried to explain everything in a few words. And you are welcome to share your thoughts also.


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 last month  

I'm really happy for you guys. You stood your ground and you won. Hopefully, the new leaders will bear in mind what you lot can accomplish when you put your mind to it. I can only hope that here in my country, my people will be able to see past the bias to fight for our common good.

 last month  

To be honest we also didn't expect the protest would end up like this. But it's reality. We needed to sacrifice many lives for the second freedom from a dictator prime minister. The new government has taken many good steps and it will take time to implement but we are expecting a positive change.

 last month  

Oh my! I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for a lot of you. Too sad for those who lost their lives before freedom was achieved 🥲

I also believe the issue on ground now is not to be compared to before, things will get better we hope.

 last month  

Now we get freedom and I feel very proud for those who sacrificed their life. I wish they were alive to feel the freedom.
I just hope from now each leader should be in fear of losing power anytime if the government goes against the people. That's the power of true democracy.

Tough times but glad that in the end, you won and got your freedom back. Hoping that whoever sit in the government positions will truly care for the good of all and not just enrich themselves through corruption.

 last month  

Everyone hoping for the best and I think we have seen the worst scenario already and from that place, we can only expect positive change.


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