Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great. First of all, I would like to share the happy news with all my Hive Family. I just got Hive Learner Verified Badge. I was waiting for it very eagerly.
In this post, I'm going to write on the topic of Risky Loans, which is the Weekly topic in the HiveLearners Community.
Giving money as a loan is very easy but getting it back is very hard, I have experienced it many times. Some experience includes very close friends and some include other people that I usually don't talk much with.
Before Writing about experiences I would to quote a beautiful quote related to today's topic.
Those who venture to lend loses money and friend.
I am a guy who trusts others very easily and if you going through a hard time, you will ask me for help or give you a loan, I won't hesitate even for a second, that's my nature. As for the return of the money is concerned, Just give a date of your choice and return the money on the chosen date.
If you are not able to return the money on the chosen date, you can ask me to for some more days but if you forget to return the money and don't even bother to tell me about it. This will put our relationship in danger.
I'll not going to reveal the name and any personal information of the people I'm going to write about.
This First experience includes a girl which I met 2 years ago for some charity work, She was a founder of that charity organization. We worked together for the welfare for a couple of months. I was introduced to this organization by my friend.
For some reason, She closed the organization and we got busy in our life. One day I got a call from her, and she told me that she is going on travel and she needs some money. I had money at that time. I sent her money and didn't even ask her when she will return the money. It was truly a risky loan.
She texted me that she will return it in a couple of months. I waited for almost 6 months but didn't even contact me to increase the time for the loan. I called her and ask her to return the money, she return half of the amount I gave to her as a loan and now it's been a year, and I am still waiting for the other half of the money.
I tried to contact her, but her Mobile number is switched off and she isn't replying to my massage on what's app. It was really a bad experience.
The other experience is of a very close friend. He is the same age as me. we live in the same area. We hang out together and do most of the activities together.
This Risky Loan also came into existence two years ago when my friend called me to ask if he needs money for his brother's marriage. As he was a close friend, I didn't even ask him when he will return the money. I gave him the money. Time has the habit of flying very fast and you never know what is about to happen in your life.
The future is uncertain.
Currently, I am going through a hard time. Inflation in my country is rising at a rapid pace and it has become very hard for us to survive. Because of this hard time, I decided to call him to ask for the money. He answered me that he will return the money very soon and I'm still waiting for that soon to happen soon.
There are other experiences as well, but today due to the short time, I will share only these.
I have learned a lesson from these experiences to Never lend money to your close friend. It will risk your Relation.
Engish is not my native language, so there could be mistakes in my grammar, Kindly ignore them.
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