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RE: Passion or Death? | شوق یا موت؟ (Episode 1)

in Hive Learners7 months ago

Honestly; I love your article, although everything was going well until I saw I had to wait for episode 2 !!. It's not bad to wait sha, I fear Asim will try armed robbery in other to get money and live away from home, that will be scary as he might die on the first day or get crippled or imprisoned.

Anyways I do love what the story reflects; the listening ear of a child and the guiding voice of a parent, although understanding was lacking, that I will love for you to address later on at the end of the story.


You don't have to wait any longer. The next episode is published. I don't know how you got the idea of armed robbery. My story revolves around the concept of road rush and road accidents. If Asim dies so soon, all the fun will be over. Such a person should be alive to see how much damage he caused.

Last Episode (2), CLICK HERE

I just guessed, thanks for the update.